Dog's aversion to riding in Prius

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Main Forum' started by rottie*lover, Apr 4, 2011.

  1. macman408

    macman408 Electron Guidance Counselor

    Mar 21, 2010
    2010 Prius
    1) I'd think that's a bad thing. "No parent should have to bury their child"?
    2) I know plenty of parents that made it clear that the kids would have to work and get scholarships to afford college...
    3) My employer recently started offering pet insurance, as a matter of fact.
    4) They do when they bite the mailman!
    5) I'll grant you this one. But you have to pick up their poop. I'd rather hand out $5 a week than grab feces twice daily.
    6) One of my friends has to buy prescription dog food due to his dog's apparent intolerance of normal dog food. Cheap it ain't.
    7) I'm sure there's plenty of animal rights advocates that would love to change that.
    8) ...and when they're done entertaining themselves and you get home, you can put them in that cage for eating your <insert expensive item here>.
    9) That doesn't say much. For either species.
    10) Unless it's another friend's dog, who quivers in fear when around other dogs, asians (seriously!), men, asian men, new places, or absolutely anything else.

    No, I'm not a dog person. Yes, I'll probably end up owning a dog at some point, thanks to the woman I share a bed with... at least, until the dog arrives. Then I think the bedding arrangements may get shuffled a bit. And just so we're clear, the above is intended for humor purposes only, try not to take it too seriously. :rolleyes:
    1 person likes this.
  2. SW03ES

    SW03ES Senior Member

    Dec 8, 2004
    Gaithersburg, MD
    2004 Prius
    We have a dog and two cats...and the characteristics you attribute to a dog describe our cats. They are destructive...clawing at furniture and carpeting, they shed EVERYWHERE...., one of them pisses all over the house because she has issues with the other. We've tried everything.

    EVERY time you go into the kitchen they cry and bay wanting food. Every time you try to do something...they are up on top of it...meowing and baying.

    I love our cats...but I would never choose a cat for a pet of my own volition. But, I'm not the only person who lives in our home if you get my drift.

    What have we learned? Different breeds of dogs and different breeds of cats are just that...different. YOUR cats don't smell, aren't needy, and aren't disgusting. Just like MY dog is none of those things. She's a house dog, goes outside to go for walks and play with her neighborhood friends, but she doesn't get dirty or smelly in between her monthly grooming.

    As a real estate broker I walk in a lot of homes, you can INSTANTLY tell when a house has cats and its a huge issue for resale. Don't have that issue with dogs. You come across lots of people who *hate* cats and some who won't buy a house just because its current owners have a cat...don't find that with dogs.

    Mine don't. I can safely say that I have been in far more homes than you by the nature of my work. Large breed dogs you are correct, but there are other breeds of dogs.

    My Dog doesn't chew anything, not even dog toys or bones or socks. We'd actually like it if she would because we have to have her teeth cleaned more often because she doesn't chew.

    Our cats chew actually...

    Literally, ALL the pet damage in our home is from the cats. None from the Dog.

    If we go away and the Dog can't come with us, she stays with someone we know and we return the favor when they go away. No big deal. Everyone in our neighborhood has Dogs and they all get along.

    Our cats on the other hand will *destroy* the house if we go away for an extended period. Literally, we wrap the stairs and landings in plastic because they WILL urinate on them. Take up all rugs because they WILL urinate on them and rip them up.

    We've even had them evaluated by a cat psychologist (not kidding). Never heard of a dog psychologist...

    No offense...but your sister needs to learn how to clean up her home. If you have animals in your need to clean up after them. We vacuum once a week, vacuum the furniture. We have the house professionally cleaned twice a month. When people are coming over...we spend 20 minutes making sure furniture is free from hair...etc. These are things that civilized people do who care about their living space...whether they have pets or not.

    Dog urine stains everywhere? They make a great invention called a carpet shampooer. You can buy a little one for $100 and problem solved. Not to mention she could, you train her dogs.

    If your sister's house is so dirty because of her dogs that you have to bring a folding chair...thats her fault for being a slob...can't blame a dog for being a dog...can blame a human for being a slob.

    We have family that are that way, great people and we love them but their house is disgusting. Their fault, not their dog's.

    So what have we learned? Not all Dogs are the same, and not all Cats are the same.
  3. SW03ES

    SW03ES Senior Member

    Dec 8, 2004
    Gaithersburg, MD
    2004 Prius
    I completely forgot to respond to the original post...

    The Prius definitely makes a sound that dogs respond to. Our dog hates riding in cars in general. She was carsick when she was a pup and I think she remembers that. However, she knows that my wife drives the Prius...and when one (or any other Toyota hybrid) drives around the block when we're out walking...she runs along beside it. Doesn't do that with other cars.
  4. Rokeby

    Rokeby Member

    Jan 21, 2008
    Ballamer, Merlin
    2008 Prius
    And not all people are the same. ;)