I feel like and idiot third degree on finding out the real problem which was the idiot three driver. One of the threads mentioned that you had to push the brightness switch until it clicked. After telling all the responders that I had it to the max i decided to see if the rotary dial did go further so i tried it. Bingo, Most of you proved what an idiot i was. Going to change my handle to " Bubba Frm Alabama". Thanks and my apology guys!
Re: Apology to all that responded to my thread on sunshine causing vision problems on dash instrumen I'm glad you fixed it and thank for posting the solution..:rockon: Now tell me how to make my AC control panel bright enough to read
Re: Apology to all that responded to my thread on sunshine causing vision problems on dash instrumen Cool! Now you can start another thread apologizing for starting this thread which is apologizing for your first thread. Jk, I'm not one of those people. I really don't care, LOL.
Re: Apology to all that responded to my thread on sunshine causing vision problems on dash instrumen No worries. In the annals of 'oops' yours hardly registers.
Re: Apology to all that responded to my thread on sunshine causing vision problems on dash instrumen If it makes you feel any better, the first time i was playing with an iPhone I asked the salesman how to get back to the main screen. He took a deep breath, bit his tongue, and said, "You push the button."
Re: Apology to all that responded to my thread on sunshine causing vision problems on dash instrumen Did he really? I used to work in the Apple Store when the iPhone first launched (july 07). Pressing the home button is not as intuitive as you'd think and several people have had the same exact question as you. I'd have pulled him aside if I saw he had that tone w/ our customers.
Re: Apology to all that responded to my thread on sunshine causing vision problems on dash instrumen I was not the customer, but a classic 'oops' story anyway: Wordperfect Customer Support (WP): "What seems to be the problem?" User: "My new software came with 7 floppy disks, and instructions to insert them serially into the floppy drive. Floppy #1 -- no problem. Floppy #2 went in with resistance. Floppy #3, no way it is going in, and I have four more after that!"
Re: Apology to all that responded to my thread on sunshine causing vision problems on dash instrumen so, my duck tape solution was unnecessary? quack.
Re: Apology to all that responded to my thread on sunshine causing vision problems on dash instrumen I had a customer tell me thier computer would not startup, we tried some obvious stuff and I asked if they would crawl under the desk to make sure it was plugged in tight. The customer did not want to as the lights were out and it was dark under there.
Re: Apology to all that responded to my thread on sunshine causing vision problems on dash instrumen LOL, at least there was no glare...
Re: Apology to all that responded to my thread on sunshine causing vision problems on dash instrumen No need to apologize, but refreshing that you did. Now if only all those people would apologize for asking how to calculate miles per gallon or complaining about 39 mpg after their first 39 miles!
Re: Apology to all that responded to my thread on sunshine causing vision problems on dash instrumen By the way, perhaps you should ask the moderators to delete your original post.
Re: Apology to all that responded to my thread on sunshine causing vision problems on dash instrumen ^Why? Documentation is a wonderful thing. If they were to delete anything, it should be this thread.
Re: Apology to all that responded to my thread on sunshine causing vision problems on dash instrumen You must be driving with your headlights on during the daylight, which is fine. (Am I right?) But that is why the brightness switch is active for you. It only should be active with the headlights on.