The wife and I drove our '05 package 4 from Raleigh, NC to Falmouth, MA last week. We added about 300 miles of driving around the Cape Cod, MA area during our 6-day stay. Observations: * Right leg got a little cramped after about 8 hours, even using CC most of the miles. * Didn't see many Prii on the drove to and from, but saw 8 in the Falmouth, MA area. * Bought gas for $2.35/gal, $2.21/gal, $2.07 FULL SERVICE/gal and returned home with an almost empty tank. Filled up this morning with costly $2.43/gal North Carolina fuel - we must be among the leading gougers!
yep- nc is about one of the worst states for gas prices. i wonder if we're still second only to hawaii?
Smiling after 1900 miles? You haven't even gotten started yet. I smiled nonstop for 60,700 miles, which is when I traded mine in for my FEH. B)
Sorry to be vague about the 1900 miles. That was 1 trip from Sunday to Sunday. I've already smiled 9,345 miles since May 30 when I bought the Prius!
lot of people in Wa state would kill for prices as low as yours. problem around here is a lot of our oil comes from Alaska... too bad that the government didnt realize that by penalizing Exxon for that oil spill, they doomed us to higher than average gas prices...
Sorry to add this, but we (the US) are not paying higher than average fuel prices. .. . What are prices in the UK / liter these days? After $ conversion?
I don't care what they pay in Europe. It's widely known that they pay a VERY heavy tax levy on fuel overseas. Now, if someone knows the breakdown of the EU fuel tax structure, and can strip it from the price of gas, like we can here to compare the true price per gallon, then we can have a better comparison.
You don't have to go as far as Europe to get much higher than all of you. In Ontario, Canada we are just short of $1.00 per litre which given current exchanges to both gallons and U.S. dollars works out to about $3.40 a U.S.gallon. And to us (as well as our European friends) it really doesn't matter what the taxc structures are --- our real price is the price we pay to put the fuel in the car! On the plus side, using the Imperial gallon as a measure our mileage with the Prius is over 70 according to government values which should test out to over 60 when I actually get my Barcelona Red one in 2006.
In the Netherland a US gallon cost about $ 3,00. That is the price without taxes. With taxes the price is more than double.