Do any other Prius-driving baseball fans out there have this issue... One of my favorite things to do is listen to the radio broadcast of my favorite team's games streamed through the Prius' bluetooth audio - I have a new Verizon Blackberry Bold (9650) with the MLB "At Bat" app that allows me to do this. The only problem is that I can almost never get it to work right away. The app says the broadcast is "playing" but I hear nothing through the car's speakers - I then shut down the blackberry's bluetooth connection and immediately restart it, and only then will the game he heard through the car's audio system. But that whole process is very cumbersome and distracting, especially as I'm starting my commute home. I think the problem may lie somehow in the fact that my blackberry is connected to the Prius simultaneously as both a phone and an audio streaming dervice, and somehow since the phone is the function that's first connected, that takes priority and precludes me from listening to audio? In any event, wondering if anyone else shares this problem and/or has found a fix for it. Any help would be SO much appreciated! Thank you.
This may not be any help at all, but here goes. My Blackberry is only paired as a phone. It works well. I then use XM for all my baseball broadcast.
Only if you have to pay for it yourself. My son pays for mine. Check with your adult kids, or your entrepreneurial minor.
I have had some similar experiences at times with my iPhone 4, but most of the time it works like a charm. Maybe the MLB app is not triggering the Bluetooth the way an audio player might. Do you have something like Pandora or some other app that also streams audio? Does it begin playing quicker? If it does, after trying Pandora or something, try seeing if MLB streams immediately.