I have seen a few posts relating to the rear spoiler but I don't think this quite fits in the same category. Just this afternoon I was had the trunk open in the garage and little did I know the top of the spoiler had come to a rest right against the overhead lightbulb. Heat, plastic... not the best result... So, I have come across a bunch of posts about taking everything off and replacing that general section of the rear door so the technical portion of this shouldn't be a problem. What I can't seem to find is what the exact part number is for that plastic part of the spoiler and where to find it. Any help would be great. Certainly not a issue to prevent vehicle operation but I would really like to get this fixed as soon as possible. 2007 Green in color Prius Thanks
You can find your part by going to parts.com and navigating through the parts catalog. When you go to parts.com, click on Toyota under Automative Catalogs on the left hand side, then choose the year 2007, then click on Prius parts. Click on Lift Gate, the Spoiler, then Spoiler Assy, then w/touring or w/o touring depending on whether you have the touring package. It looks like the list price is $356.01 and the parts.com price is $246.13. I imagine it's rather large, so shipping may be expensive too. Unfortunately, the bad news is that it looks like there's only one part, so it will likely come unpainted and you'll need to paint it yourself (or have a body shop paint it for you). Good luck, Brett
Hmm, the cost will add up on this... I have put out a query on the junkyard systems. functionality wise, no issue. cosmetic wise, dang it looks bad! If nothing comes about from the search I'll check out that site and go from there. Thanks
yeah its an expensive part, i looked into the cost of purchasing the touring spoiler to put on my 04, not worth it.
Could you post a picture of it? Am interested to see what happened..can't visualize it perfectly..and how did you put out the junkyard query?
My 05 needs the spoiler replaced. The OEM price is $353, At Parts.com (Brett's suggestion) the price was $253; however, shipping was $36. I haven't found a used one, but certainly there must some available for a Silver 05--seems the most common color. Of course any used piece could be painted to match. Good luck, Jay Las Vegas
Can you install a 2007 prius b type spoiler/touring spoiler, on a regular 2007 Prius. I want to install the longer spoiler on my regular Prius.