In today's local paper, San Jose Mercury News, the guy that covers area road / driver issues had a note from Tammi Hersrud from Hollister about a Hummer driver who was very pissed off about them being in the carpool lane solo. I've seen other similar things posted here. Haven't received my stickers yet, hoping this does not become a big thing with people. Being Prius people we all know what those stickers look like, but other people do not really know and they probably aren't reading the stickers. Certainly an argument for having the stickers on the car and having them big enough to read.... Here's a link to the Roadshow page, scroll down a few and you'll find the message. Mr Roadshow - SJ Mercury News Ken
Sounds like a good reason for a new option -- front- and rear-facing video cameras to tape the offending SUVs trying to force you out of the carpool lane!
I can see the guy in the Prius driving in the car pool lane about 2mph under the speed limit while the traffic in the lane is typically 20 over. I know, ya'll will say the prius guy was right, but ha aint. If he's doing that, he rightly will be run off the road one day, and at that point, getting 1 more mpg out of the pruis really won't matter. If he was keeping up with traffic flow, then the SUV driver was just being an A$$, and it would be great for him to be ticketed, towed, tarred and feathered, burned at the stake, then his ashes fed to pigs. I'd still guess the Prius guy was basically being a 'blocker' in the diamond lane. From the article we don't really know for sure. But, why would the suv guy care this much if the Prius wasn't being an idiot? Don't be an idiot in your Prius. Were you an idiot before you got it, or only after? That's the question every prius driver must ask themselves as they drive way too slow in the left lane as traffic has to flow around on the right. Righteous left lane slow drivers should not only consider the speed limit = signs... but also take a look at the "SLOWER TRAFFIC MOVE TO THE RIGHT" signs once in a while too.
California vehicle code: >>>> 21654. (a) Notwithstanding the prima facie speed limits, any vehicle proceeding upon a highway at a speed less than the normal speed of traffic moving in the same direction at such time shall be driven in the right-hand lane for traffic or as close as practicable to the right-hand edge or curb, except when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction or when preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway. (B) If a vehicle is being driven at a speed less than the normal speed of traffic moving in the same direction at such time, and is not being driven in the right-hand lane for traffic or as close as practicable to the right-hand edge or curb, it shall constitute prima facie evidence that the driver is operating the vehicle in violation of subdivision (a) of this section. <<<< That said, I was recently tailgated by a Ford Explorer on carpool lane in SF BayArea on 680 south bound. Let us just said that I am not a slow driver. I was not blocking anyone else other than that Ford.... :angry:
So, one can't drive 40 in a 40 zone in any lane but the right one if anybody else wants to speed, or be in violation? Perhaps there's another section that explains why speeding is acceptable, except when it's not...
I am sorry but for so few horses there are way to many horse's asses out there. I hate the left lane speed NAZI's as much as anyone else and far and away I ususally exceed the speed limit by more than is sometimes prudent. But when I am in one of the middle lanes doing anywhere from 5 to 15 mph over the speed limit and moving with traffic flow and some idiot rides my bumper, with either one or two lanes to our left open for passing, I feel no need to move to the right to let some gas guzzling behemoth usually with a "Support our Troops" sticker on the back. Yeah, well I support our troops without a sticker by driving a car that doesn't require two to three fillups per week to go 40 miles roundtrip to work.
It's interesting to me. When my Prius was on order I was very excited about being able to drive in the Car Pool lanes, figured I'd do it all the time. Now I have the car, but I do not yet have my stickers. I certainly drive different than I used to with this car and I really think I won't be spending a lot of time in the Car Pool lanes. I'm not driving that fast, especially around the 101 stretch between Cochrane and 85 in San Jose. I hated it when I was in the car pool lanes (with 2 people) cruising along with the pace of the other traffic and running into someone that was driving 10 MPH less than everyone else. Just because you can get into the car pool lane doesn't mean you must drive in that lane. I certainly will use the lanes when the other lanes are backed up and the car pool lanes are moving. It's all about the flow of the traffic and being aware of your surroundings in my mind. But back to my "it's interesting" comment at the beginning. I was surprised to see how this car has changed my driving habits. I find myself trying to glide in other vehicles.... Ken
I tend to agree daronspicher on this one. I know a lot of SUV drivers on the freeway can be really annoying and driving at ridiculous speeds (90-100MPH) but the prius diver has got to have been driving 65 when traffic was going at around 80 to garner such extreme reactions from the driver. That being said, when I'm doing 80 in the carpool lane and some H2 driver passes me, I simply laugh and imagine the 5 mpg he's getting while i'm getting closer to 45 . .
For those that blamed the victim and stated they were probably driving to slow in the carpool lane, did you read the situation. The angry SUV driver was repeatedly pointing at the empty passenger seat and not yelling about his speed. Maybe it is just me, but when a person is continuously pointing at my passenger's seat, then I would have to think that this was his problem, not my speed. I do wonder though how the HOV lane has become a drive as fast as you want zone. I was in a HOV lane (with 3 occupants) a few months ago, driving 75 when the speed limit was 60 and people were coming up behind me going 80 or 85. When did the HOV lane become a license to drive 25 miles over the speed limit?
I agree with Michael - the angry SUV driver was obviously upset that they were in the carpool lane by themselves. And how are these lanes setup? If he was next to him, does that meant here are 2 lanes? If so, then speed shouldn't be an issue. And, as long as someone is driving in the appropriate lane, noone should ever get upset at the driver for not exceeding the speed limit. If there's a cop up ahead, I hardly doubt they'd accept the excuse that they "needed to go as fast as possible to keep the others behind them happy". In situations like this, the best thing to do is call 911 right away. If there's a copy in the area and they aren't busy, they will often get right on this and may even catch them in the act. I've called in a few times when I've seen eratic drivers. Last time was in VT and the guy passed us finally, a little while later, the state trooper passed us. Further down the road, the guy was pulled over. Waiting until you get home or somewhere else won't help much - the cops need to catch them in the act.
Not to be too legalistic, but when you are in the HOV lane (at least in SoCal where you may enter and exit the HOV lanes ONLY in designated spots), you ARE legally in the "rightmost" lane. It would be illegal to cross out of the HOV just to let a speeder by, so you are as far "right" as you may legally be at that time. There is no requirement to move over in this case. I think the poster who presumes the Prius driver must have been doing something wrong, absent any indication this was the case, tells us more about himself than about the Prius driver. I keep a digital camera, one that can take movies, for just such cases. Present the CVHP with a movie of this clown's "assault with a deadly weapon" and they can arrest and charge him. Most "Compensator" drivers back off when they see a camera. Not so brave when they know they will be judged for their behavior. Kinda like asking them, "Does your momma know you drive that way?"