Terminal velocity of a body falling in air is around 120 MPH, so you ought to be able to get a few more MPH out of your Prius if you try that approach. :cheer2:
Maybe with the wind to my back and a good downhill i'll reach 125 I must admit that without any aftermarket stabilizers etc. the prius feels very stable at those speeds.
Lol maybe those speeds seem crazy to pri folk but it's really nothing when you have a 4.6L hemi. Just tapping on it gets you to 90mph and you don't even notice it. It's more nerve wrecking in a prius because the experience is completly different. First off it's a light car, second off to reach 116 you have to have your foot down all the way the entire time. So it puts you in a different mindset because you're more inclined to feel that you're pushing your prius to the limit. *This was done on a closed course by a professional Driver, do not attempt to recreate this scenario*
ive hit the limiter before. never again and I had 4 friends in the car. I like to **** with people and turn off the speedometer and have my passengers guess how fast im driving. If i ever get pulled over ill tell the cop my speedometer is broken
You should come over to Europe and drive on the German autobahn - no speed limit on a lot of them. In the UK, the official motorway speed limit is 70mph but unofficially you can do 80mph without being a cop magnet. Gen3 Prius is no problem at that speed. I often get passed by other Prii going faster than that. There is a poster who has maxed his Gen3 on the german roads (can't find the thread at the moment) and another who has taken his round the german nurburgring.
90 or something in mine, I find the car quite stable at highway speeds. Of course, this was on a closed track as it was for everybody posting in this thread, I'm sure.
If it's a plug-in, it's not the OEM plugin. It's converted. The OEM plugin uses double DIN nav radio. The one in the video uses the original NAV.