thanks so much everyone ya sooner or later ill hit the body shop for now i will use car magnet for my add for my pc shop ya i did not report it at all and no that lot had no cameras at all T_T and thanks i wont use B much anymore then lovig this car to death cant wait to start doing more stuff to it better rims more audio etc..
AVG 60 MPG damn i really do love this car drove all around oahu today and did only used 3 blocks this car really kicks nice person ^_^
RE: Ding. Ouch, but now you got that out of the way, nothing else will happen to your car. I have successfully used ding specialists, all they do is dings. There are limitations to what they can do but the major one is they must be able to get into the area, no structural supports, etc. As for the paint, try a mild polishing cream called "Scratch Out" , I think it is made by Turtle Wax, to get the abrasion out of the clear-coat. Then use a good wax to seal it. Always use a soft clean cotton cloth to avoid micro scratches. We too always try to park in end spaces and away from shopping carts but S%$& happens.
well i guess you have to get use to it. My prius 2010 got ding and scratch almost everywhere now, and I was really unhappy at first but for now whatever happen I just continue to drive like that until oneday i decide to sell my car then i fix all for good.