For sale: 2010 Prius II in Chicago, IL. I've absolutely loved owning and driving my Prius, but since I'm not driving to work any more I've decided to sell it. Blue exterior, bisque interior. Approximately 23K miles on it. Has had no mechanical problems and has been well cared for. Although it is a II, it also has built-in Bluetooth. In the interests of full disclosure, I should note that there are a few scratches on the bumpers due to street parking. I'm looking for about KBB private party value, which is around $22,500. I'm willing to negotiate, though. Pictures are available upon request (once I take them!). For those or any other questions, feel free to e-mail me at mtdiller at
With destination they are over $24k, and then you tack on tax, and doc fees, etc. and you are around $28k.
I think I'll stay away from your dealer. My state among many others charges sales (excise) tax on used cars bought privately. Seems odd to me, but true none the less.
If you paid 28K for a II your dealer made around 5-6 grand in profit. Most people paid around 23-24 k out the door for theirs. KBB does give me a PPV of over 20k for mine with 38,000 miles, but I'm sure nobody will pay that. They are under 24k with destination, but end up being over 24k if you pay for the dealer add ons.