Probably so, we got 8100 for it in trade, and it's bluebook trade-in comes in at 7750. I just hope the 116k miles don't deter them from selling it, and I hope someone who loves it gets a heck of a deal because of the high mileage! It was an awesome car. I saw a Seaside Pearl while I was out today and thought "oh oh I wonder if that's mine?" lol
Happier everyday. I have a G3, P3, bought it in Oct 09 as a 2010, have 17.7k, never gotten less than 50mpg, plenty comfortable, doesn't handle lie a sports car, and I didn't expect it too. It doing exactly what I bought it for. It's effiecient, environment friendly, and low maintenance. I'm sold on Hybrid's, particularly Prius.
So far it has been a month of pure joy owning the car. I get about 55mpg (in flat Florida).. I think the only drawback if you can call it that is no matter how I drive (within reason) it never gets better than that 55mpg unless I am on base where I always drive it on the battery (speeds are all 25 or less). I guess this is due to it having that direct drive planetary gearing system? Either way I love it after trading a car that only got 15mpg in for it. Especially since now I put in $38 to go 500 miles and now $76 to go 280.
We are extremely happy with our 2010 Prii. We have not nicknamed my wife's 2010 Blizzard Brigade appropriate Prius IV, but I have affectionately nicknamed my 2010 Winter Grey Metallic Prius V/ATP..."Rattles"
the numbers are not the same type of rating system, they are calculated differently. US fuel is actually AKI whereas Australia and Europe are RON 91 in the US is the same as 95 in Australia & UK From Wikipedia:- "In most countries, including Australia and all of those in Europe, the "headline" octane rating shown on the pump is the RON, but in Canada, the United States and some other countries, like Brazil, the headline number is the average of the RON and the MON, called the Anti-Knock Index (AKI, and often written on pumps as (R+M)/2). It may also sometimes be called the Pump Octane Number (PON)." ------- We are happy with our Prius which we bought a few months ago. The mpg challenge keeps me busy on my 60mile each way commute for an hour or so each way every day. I would me much happier if the seat was more comfortable (firmer/lumbar) and the steering wheel came out further (I am 6'1") and they didn't skimp so much on the sound insulation but then again I listen to music all the time and I am used to the sports seats of my previous 4 cars (BMW 335, Mini Cooper, BMW 545 & Golf GTI).
If I had to buy another car tomorrow, I'd buy the exact same thing: Blizzard Pearl V. It's been 14 months and the novelty has not worn off.
I bought my mine in December 2010. I've loved every minute... no squeaks or rattles, or at least none that I notice. The owner of the company I work for is a competitive athlete & an avid biker, and was impressed I was able to fit my large-framed Trek 7.5 crosstrainer in the back with room to spare... so that piqued his interest enough to talk more during lunch. (The Trek's going into the shop for its spring tune-up. I'm a lousy bike mechanic!) So he is now considering trading in his company vehicles for Prius PHEV's whenever they become available, & will assign Hybrid vehicle parking next to the outlets (& the bike rack) near the employee entrance out back. Makes sense to me.
Absolutely! I am not getting the mileage that many users are posting (60, 70+ mpg), but as the weather is warming my mpg has creeped up to about 55 mpg. I do a lot of hill climbing too, which I am sure affects the mileage. I love the pick-up in my Gen III... it's quiet, sleek... 8,000 miles on her so far (10/28/10 purchase).
60+ is only for people who's live depends on, frankly. We get around high 40's most of the time. My wife is a little heavier on the pedal and drives it more than I. I'll get well into 50s for the most part myself around city/rural.
Love our Prius to death, best car purchase decision we've ever made. I also love the fact we bought black. It always bothered me following a Prius and seeing the split in the window making the back of the car look awkward. With black paint and dark window tint you dont even know its there and the back of the car looks rather uniform.
I and several friends all have Prii with excellent results. We keep wondering when, not if, there will be Toyota hybrid pickups and the entire Toyota fleet. I'm on my second Prius, 70k mi on the first, just turned 88k mi on the second. Consistently 50+ mpg/
I am certain the hybrid technology will be applied to most vehicles. I see no reason why PU trucks would not be a platform for the system. That said, I foresee issues that perhaps, would limit the effectiveness of the application. For example, trucks are normally used for hauling and towing .... sometimes very heavy objects. Driveline components as well as body components would all need to be strengthened, and either add weight, or require the use of expensive lightweight exotic metals. Believing, as I do, that the genius of the Prius is a result of all aspects of the vehicle design: the ICE, HSI, battery, weight, electronics, coeficient of wind friction, tires, electric A/C & water pump, belly shroud .... some of which could be used in a PU, but, for example, the air drag would be significantly greater, the ground clearance would be higher, and most trucks have AWD. My point is, while the technology could be used, I would not expect anywhere near the same fuel efficiency.
I just drove by our local Toyota dealer and not a Prius in the lot. I noticed not many people today are laughing at the Prius. Gas here in the northwest is at the lowest $3.80 / gallon and Diesel at $4.199 per gal. Its seems to alway be going up in price. We have both , a 2003 Jetta TDI 5-speed Wagon , and of course my wifes favorite, the Prius... al
I have a slightly different viewpoint: I wish the mileage was better, because the Prius consumes more fuel than the car it replaced for us. ...but the $45 oil changes (and that's all we've had done so far) are a treat. Overall, I know this car will cost a fraction to own of what our Diesel smart did. The 800+ km range between fuel-ups is nice, too. We do a lot of long-distance travel for fun and the larger tank sure helps. -Iain
I have the Gen3 since 2 weeks and I'm happy with its consumption of 4.4l/100km on longer trips. I'm less happy with it's real consumption of 5.2l/100km on my daily travel to work (what goes 5km up a hill and the down). But I believe the later is due to the cold temps we have in the morning (around 5°C in the morning, 25°C in the late afternoon). But yes, I'm happy
Real quick math that's still 43 mpg US, not so bad. Click on the 5 min consumption graph and you'll basically always see the first five min low, then the next five min and subsequent much higher because it's at operating temp.
I am happy because since Sep. 2009 I am consuming around 5L/100km in town with a big car with a big engine. No diesel or smaller car could achieve this. And I am driving 95% of the time in town. I wanted a bigger car, and with the tax I pay (36€/year), low insurance ("nobody" has this car in Germany, and those who have it tend to be very cautious and slow drivers = no accidents --> low premiums), even if the buy price was not the cheapest, overall costs are at bay. And I have a much better and smoother drive than I had ever thought in this price class (thanks HSD!). There is one case though where maybe the Prius is not the best idea, if you live in EU - that is, if you travel mostly on the highway or in suburban/country roads, hitting very seldom traffic. In that case, a modern diesel might be a better deal as it will consume less. Until you hit traffic, that is...and diesel is still about 10-15% cheaper in Germany at the pump (although you pay more road tax, due to increased pollution). Otherwise, I don't know what else I would buy - the only other option for me would be the Honda Insight. If the Prius had had a lower buy price, it would be an unbeatable economic deal for its size/class. The outrageous fuel prices (here in EU we are around 2.19$/L or 8.29$/gallon....) are currently killing my biz plan...
Just like today, my wife and I will be going to Longview Washington to do some shopping. The round trip is about 140 miles. Now on average highway driving are mpg is about 50 mpg. So for a little over $10.00 is all it will cost us. If we had a typical vehicle that received say, 20 mpg's, the cost would be around $25.00, that is a $15.00 savings that will probably go towards are lunch. At least that $15.00 is staying in the U.S. I feel so patriotic owning a Prius. al