Older Hondas and Toyotas still popular with car thieves, but half the top ten are light trucks. http://www.cnn.com/2005/AUTOS/11/08/most_s...nicb/index.html ---- No Prius' on the list. We've got the hottest, most desired car on the market and I'll bet it's the least stolen. (Maybe next to the '76 Vega)
The statistics seem to be given in absolute numbers, making them useless. Of course the vehicles that are the best selling (e.g., Accord, Camry, F150) are likely to be the most common stolen, just because there are more of them available. What would be more useful would be the ratio of stolen cars to the number of cars on the road.
That may be a good point especially with SKS. Obviously thieves can figure out how to steal anything but if it's a lot harder than other cars of equal value why bother? Plus kids going for a joy ride most likely don't care about gas mileage or the impact on the environment.
Well, they may perceive because of its batteries, it is too heavy to lift, so that is out. Because of its intelligent design, it is intelligent enough to drive around on its own (parking module) so they may assume it'll maneuver its way out of a bad situation! That when a Prius owner approaches their car, it just opens up its doors, that it is like a dog and knows its 'master'. Very common fearful situation.. just the kind of perception we want to put out! (atleast to keep them from getting stolen )
It would be funny to see a hidden camera test on this. Leave a Prius unlocked with a SKS keyfob on the seat. Watch a basic thief try to figure out how to steal the car. "Where's the ignition?" "Wait, where's the key for the ignition?" Presses the power button (no brake)..... "Radio works." By pure blind luck, puts foot on the brake, presses power button..... "Hmmm... more lights came on. How do I get the damn engine started?" A few seconds later..... "Engine just started itself. Weird." Looks around steering wheel, then center console, for gear shift. Fiddles with controls..... "Is this how you shift this thing?" Shifts lever to "B" to "back up"..... "That didn't work." Realizes "R" must be reverse, but about 45 seconds have passed. Engine shuts off..... "F*@K! Is that an Accord over there?"
LOL, you're hilarious Brian. Aren't cars stolen primarily for the more lucrative parts business? They wouldn't steal a Prius for driving until the price of gas stayed at $3.50 per gallon, I'm presuming. Anyway, I feel safe considering that in the midwest, Toyotas don't even break in to the top ten here, let alone a Prius.
I remember someone (on this forum) reported their Prius HID lights were stolen this past summer. I think the front end was rip out to get to the HID. I believe the Prius is the only one with integrated high/low beam. Don't laugh, because those HID are very hip with the ricer crowds.... :blink:
im still tryiing to figure out how to use this respond thingy here, how long do u think it will take me to figure out how to drive the prius i ordered. sorry bout the caps being uncapped.. to tired to be perfect... lol
Hi guest, I am new here also. I never got to talk to anyone on here yet. Probable cause I get on to late..
Ok, Ill get to the point, I ordered my 2006 and the bottom line without a extended warr. was 32,500. I was told I could get that when the car comes in. I was wanting to no that I didnt pay to much. I ordered tinted window, package 7, the upgrade paint , and the 3 peice floor mats. Is anyone out there to answer me, I am in florida.
ok i am gonna go. wouuld of like to say nice to meet u CarlC but i never did get to talk with u. Well have a great day.. Hope u the best of luck with your car. ok later tater..
Of course, the point of that little scenario is that, even with a keyfob, the average car thief might not be able to figure out how to steal a Prius. Parts, maybe... but not the whole car. Without the keyfob, the only chance a thief has of stealing the whole car (engine immobilizer and all) is to pick it up and put it on a flatbed. I'd like to see 'em try!
Here's your problem: this is NOT a "chat room." Think of it more like a bulletin board people put messages on. 1. You write a note, and you pin it to the board. 2. Someone else comes along, reads your note and goes away. 3. *Maybe* someone wants to respond, so they write a new note and stick it under yours. 4. You come back later and you may or may not see a response, depending on #2 & #3. A watched pot never boils, and a refreshed message board never fills up with posts. Be patient. Most of these people are NOT on PriusChat at the same time you are. Enjoy.
igotthewantsforprius, First, I haven't studied the prices for the '06. There's a discussion about it in this thread (click here). At first glance, it looks like you're paying close to $5k over MSRP for a pkg 7. Don't know how much your accessories are, though. Second, you've joined a message board, not a chat room. It seems you are expecting instant responses, which you won't always get in a forum like this. On a message board, people post discussions within threads (or start new ones), which are contained in different forums. They check back later to see other responses. Got a question about the audio system? Wondering what that light on the dash means? Found a great deal on tires? There are forums within PriusChat where you find those answers or give out valuable (sometimes) information. Plus there are some interesting (and some bizarre) discussions that have nothing to do with the Prius. Just look over the full list of forums and go from there. You can also search the entire message board, or search within specific forums. (It's helped me with some much needed, and much appreciated, info.) Welcome to PriusChat!