got my 011 silver prius today very happy such a great car installed the kenwood navigation put about 70 miles on it then not even 100 miles and some donkey does this to me in the parking lot -_____- i wonder how much that will cost me to fix -_- Uploaded with other then that love the car
Major bummer... there are many stories on here like yours. In fact, I whacked my passenger-side door with my jack handle the second day! Peeled off the clear coat but fortunately left the paint. I don't know if it is just me but it seems like all your pictures are really small. Thumbnail size...
Sorry about the ding!!! I always park in the least populated areas of a lot when I can.....but there's no stopping it. You're just going to get whammed someday. Good luck with the car!
I had a ding in my rear pass. door from someone opening his door into mine. I was standing right there, saw the whole thing. The dealers body shop wanted $700.00 to repair...painting both doors...the dealers mechanical shop supervisor saw it during a new owners night. He had someone or maybe did it himself, rub it out with something....but you can hardly see it now. Maybe you will try this........ I know your hurt you more then it did the Prius. !!!!!!
Sucks but at least you didn't put scratches on all the panels with a filthy wash mitt covered in rocks like some idiot who posted another thread recently. Oh, yeah that was me.
I scratched my lovely new blue paint with a semi-frozen "bubble brush" in a do-it-yourself car wash about 3 months after I got it. :frusty: A decade of silver cars made me careless.
Looks like a hit & run. At least it's silver so the repair will look good. Is this really one of those fabled Model I's? I can't really tell, so are there any dents there?
ya its a model 1 and ya it looks more like a hit and run a saw it in the morning and **** its so bad makes me wanna cry T~T i think im going to put my banner over it in the mean time from the looks of it it looks like some nice person backed into me and ran off
That really sucks, you might want to contact the store and see if they have cameras in the parking lot. You never know. Maybe a body shop can buff the scratches out and do a paintless dent removal?
Congrats on your new Prius and welcome to PriusChat. You'll get your Prius all shiney new again. I assume you will get this repaired. I'm just trying to lighten your mood: if you had got Barcelona Red, this would never have happened to you.
From the manual: P Parking the vehicle or starting the hybrid system R Reversing N Neutral D Normal driving B Engine braking position* You can use it for "compression braking"[sic]. Sometimes I'll use it on a long off-ramp, but mostly I don't bother. You'll want to refrain from using this mode for long periods of time, but your manual will tell you all about that. BTW....the door panel looks creased. Sorry about that!!! DON'T get the insurance company involved or get an accident report done!! Let me repeat this: DON'T get the insurance company involved or get an accident report done!! Your insurance rate increases will go up, especially if you get whammed again in the next three years! More importantly.... go to eBay and see what happens to the resale value for a car---especially an overly complicated car with a glass jaw, when the word "accident" gets attached to your VIN from the police report (Carfax is good like that!) It's like trying to get a date with the words "social disease" attached to your facebook page. It's not pretty.
With the B gear, there is no difference in acceleration. You'll feel the difference if you let go the acceleration. In B gear, you'll feel the braking (mostly done by pumping air in and out of the gas engine turned by electric motor to waste energy) as soon as you let go the pedal.
Short of swapping the door, it looks like a dent removal & patch 'n paint. I'm just guessing the ballpark of $200 - $500 Luckily silver blends really well. You can get lower rocker moldings here at the PC shop to cover up the very bottom of the door, if you want, even though chrome on silver doesn't pop as much. Actually most insurance companies have no interest in reporting to Carfax, and most body shops don't report to carfax. Only if you file a report to your DMV will it almost certainly show up on car fax. I agree though that since there is no 3rd party insurance on which to place all the blame, you should pay this out of pocket (unfortunately). PriusChat Shop : 2010 Toyota Prius Lower Rocker Moldings [PT29A-47100] - $155.00