Hi folks, Yesterday I filled up for the first time and reset the TripA reading, using the ODO switch. For some reason, the average reading now only displays the current TripA average, regardless of which Trip or ODO is displayed. I did not touch the Reset button on the screen - I was very careful about that! It will be going in for a free service in two days, so I will be asking Toyota about it anyway. Even if the main Reset button had been pressed I thought that the individual average readings (ODO,TripA, TripB) would continue, albeit from the reset condition. Any comments? Regards, kenmac
The sceen average is what you're talking about? It only shows the average since it's last reset, and it resets automatically when you fill up. Apparently that was different on the Classics. So, there's no 'lifetime average' kept on the screen. You have to keep it by hand. There are some good spreadsheet templates floating around. So yeah, if you reset Trip A when you fill up, your screen will match Trip A.
I may be wrong, but fairly certain the screen display showing average fuel consumption is reset each time the fuel filler flap is opened.
I'm not sure about that. People have reported that it resets only on a fillup. Some folks say they have added a couple of gallons at times without a reset. Haven't tried it myself though, so not speaking from experience.
It's not the fuel cap. If your tank goes below a certain level (not sure what level, because I don't care all that much ), and then goes all the way to full, the MPG counter resets automatically. Next time you fill up, start the car and wait. You'll see the fuel gauge go from empty to full slowly, in about a minute. When it gets to full, the MPG counter will reset. I assume what the OP was saying was that after a fillup, he reset his trip odometer but not his MPG counter. However, the MPG counter reset itself anyway, making it look like the MPG counter was "tied" to the trip odo that had just been reset.. but it's not.
Thanks folks, I wasn't aware that there was an "automatic" reset function, but that explains it. I have recorded the average reading anyway, so nothing is lost. Regards, kenmac