Brand new owner, need advice!

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Technical Discussion' started by RainbowBrite, Apr 4, 2011.

  1. RainbowBrite

    RainbowBrite New Member

    Apr 1, 2011
    2008 Prius
    Well hello everyone, this is my first time really posting to a forum, so let's see how this goes.

    I just bought a used 2008 Prius Touring package #6 from Carmax. I have a 30 day warranty to fix anything on it. I already had to take it in once because the brake rotors were warped, and some other small things here and there. I am completely new to the Hybrid system, and don't know what is normal for the Prius and what isn't. After reading on this site, and several others, I don't think I am alone with certain issues, but also don't know what to tell Carmax is really "wrong" with it.

    They leveled out my brake rotors, but I've noticed that the brakes still studder when stopping, sort of like if you think of a straight light, then a break in it, similar to a dash in morse code, another dash, and then a straight line again. That's the best I can describe it in text. This I've read complaints on, but what is it that causes it?

    Also, when stopped at a light, and running off the electric motor, then going, and it switching to the gasoline engine, is it normal to feel a jolt when it kicks in and you start driving again? Is this jolt even the result of what I just described?

    Anyway I can't think of anything else at the moment, I only have 30 days to get anything fixed like I said anything would really help, I'm clueless...
  2. firepa63

    firepa63 Former Prius Owner

    Jul 23, 2005
    Other Hybrid
    It's strange that the brake rotors needed work since the brakes wear very little on a Prius. Most of the braking is done by regenation. The friction brakes don't come in to play until about 7 mph under normal braking situations.

    As for the ICE starting up after the light changes, it's normal. When the engine is cold, you will feel a little shudder when it starts. When it's fully warmed, you probably won't even notice it.
  3. cwerdna

    cwerdna Senior Member

    Sep 4, 2005
    SF Bay Area, CA
    2006 Prius
    If you feel the stutter in the last couple of mph before reaching 0 mph, it seems "normal". I wrote about it when I was a newbie at and

    If you want to see if it's repro strictly w/the friction brakes, shift to neutral before braking. No regen happens if you're in neutral.

    If my 06 Prius still does it, it either does it less or I've totally ignored it/tuned it out now. I'll have to try again when I drive my Prius next (I switch between 2 cars).

    I am surprised about your rotors though.
  4. lextoy

    lextoy Active Member

    Apr 22, 2010
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Premium
    if they say they turned your rotors i would doubt it. even if they did it was just to get you to go away.
    normal brakes on a prius almost never wear out, it is probably impossible to warp the rotors. its pretty hard to wear out the brake pads usually, 100k miles on same brakes is normal.
    now, your real problem with brakes is the fact that they barely get used, and barely get rubbed in or heated up.
    thus usually grabby brakes, is a result of non- use, or more precisely very light use.
    i havent done brakes on my prius yet... nor has almost anyone, but the rotors cant be that expensive, nor the pads, if the pulsing is still there i would go back and ask that they replace the rotors and pads. then you know you are starting from a good place. negotiate a bit offer to buy the parts if they put them in.
    if they are just a bit grabby at the last moment before you come to a full stop, that is normal forget about it.
    you can clean/ heat up your brakes to see if that helps the problem, going about 50 mph, put it in N, then firmly brake down to 10 mph, not real hard, but a long rolling stop slighty more than normal braking at a stop light lets say, repeat 3 times.
    then try to see if braking is different at low speeds. warm brakes work better.
    can you isolate it to front wheels or rear?
    i have heard of rear drums being sticky on the prius too, again from lack of use...
    if the brakes get replaced/rebuilt with new parts, and the tech uses a quality lubricant and gets all the pins/slides, pad backing, etc for extra protection, then brakes mechanicals should stay smooth, and most likely it is grabby from lack of use, have you ever looked at rotors on a car after it rains and it hasnt been driven for a few days, they are rusty coroded looking, it takes several minutes of driving a normal car to clean the rotors. well on a prius they dont ever get cleaned properly, brakes barely get used, thats the problem.
  5. lextoy

    lextoy Active Member

    Apr 22, 2010
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Premium
    yes feeling the engine shudder a bit when you push down on the gas past the electric mode is normal, i try not to force the engine to start up at this time at full throttle, just feather it up till it starts then roll onto throttle from there .
    its no speed demon anyway, nice easy starts make it go smoother.
    if you need it its got some power, but just like starting your normal car with the gas pedal pegged to the floor, the prius i'm sure doenst appreciate it either.
    extra wear on CVT from hard acceleration when engine has to kick in from off and apply 5000 rpm within an instant.
    i wonder why the tranny fluid on the prius seems to prefer being changed at 50k, not 100k...
    its probalby due to all the extra friction from when the engine goes from off to on at every stop.
  6. uart

    uart Senior Member

    Sep 7, 2009
    2005 Prius
    Yeah that's what I was thinking. They probably drove it down a hill in neutral to rub some of rust off the rotors and that's it.
  7. aaparkr

    aaparkr Junior Member

    Sep 28, 2005
    The shudder when your ICE (internal combustion engine) stops is normal. I noticed for a while, but it is something you get used to. I also just bought an '08 with a Touring package , also from Automax. Interesting coincidence, I wonder if they got get a lot of these. Mine was a rental car in DC for a while and then someone in Colorado owned it. My first Prius was an '05 I bought new that got totaled by insurance when I got hit on the freeway. - that car seemed to have a sign on it that said "hit me" as three different people did at different times. It had the same shudder, but the brakes still had lots of pad left after 70,000 miles.
  8. RainbowBrite

    RainbowBrite New Member

    Apr 1, 2011
    2008 Prius
    Okay, well I have an appointment at Carmax tomorrow, my volume controls on my stereo stopped working yesterday (steering wheel and dash controls both), but the next time I started the car, they worked again. It was odd.

    I read somewhere you shouldn't feel the car shifting gears, is this true? Is it true for shifting each way? When I shift from reverse, to drive, and when I shift from drive to reverse, you can feel it jerk. This is on a flat parking lot, and not on a hill whatsoever. I don't know if what I read was true or not.

    Just in case, when I made the appointment, I mentioned I wanted them to look at my brakes again. I don't know if the studdering is from the front or back, I want to say the front...Also, sometimes when letting off the brakes it shudders, not just when I press the gas. But I assume this is because it knows it will need to use the gasoline engine?

    I hardly know anything about normal cars, so me owning a Prius (my dream car!) makes me feel like a cavewoman :) I'm so glad there is a Prius community! You guys are really helping me out!
  9. Gurple42

    Gurple42 New Member

    Mar 10, 2011
    Santa Monica, Ca.
    2011 Prius
    Do you have a friend or coworker who owns a similar Year Prius? If you do, have him or her drive it and ask them if it seems normal.....they'll know.
  10. cwerdna

    cwerdna Senior Member

    Sep 4, 2005
    SF Bay Area, CA
    2006 Prius
    There are no fixed gear ratios. In an non-CVT automatic, as you accelerate, you will feel the engine RPM go up to a certain point, then the transmission shifts, RPMs drop, then gradually rise, and so on. In your Prius, if you use steady pressure on the pedal to accelerate to a given speed, you will not feel the above cycle.

    As for jerking, when shifting between D <-> R, as long as your foot is firmly on the brake, you shouldn't feel the car jerk, unlike an automatic.

    To go w/Gurple42's suggestion, where are you in TX? Perhaps a Priuschatter near you in TX can help you out.
  11. Ted100

    Ted100 Junior Member

    Apr 7, 2011
    2006 Prius
    Don't let the Auto Max dealer off the hook; polite but persistant requests may help you accomplish your goal of fixing your car TO YOUR SATISFACTION; remember, Auto Max is staffed by humans (just like us) . If they aren't rascals (a certain % of any group are less than honorable), they'll work to make you happy. Most folks are decent (even used car dealers), I've found, and will work with you to solve the problems and help you get on your way. If you are unhappy or happy, a hard copy / letter always rewards "good" behavior and "punishes" bad behavior. Send it to your local dealer and cc the HQ. Might appealing to your sales person help? They might be depending on or expecting your referral to others.."work them" to "work for you" as your inside advocate.
    1. Keep returning promptly (keep a log of dates and time spent, names of people you speak with, and a summary of each conversation) and asking them to fix problems before your 30 day warranty expires. If 30 days passes and still no satisfaction, you may receive satisfaction via your state's lemon laws.
    2. Learn about your state's lemon laws. If and when you have to insist the dealer fix problems, you'll know what to ask for (what is reasonable) and what you may expect... and what isn't resonable (not covered under the lemon law).
    3. Consider researching and purchasing an extended warranty for your Prius ASAP (before 30 days expires). Read the fine print carefully and, perhaps, ask for and expect recommendations or referrals from prior customers.
    4. If the dealer fails to fix the problem, you may have recourse through the Better Business Bureau, your state's Dept. of Consumer Affairs or Attorney General's Office (or whatever your state may call it). Don't hesitate to mail a letter AND use email..two efforts are better than one. And, cc your local lender (if you used one), the US Dept. of Transportation, the FTC (Federal Trade Commission), your US Congressman and state representatives, Ralph Nader, and Toyota's US HQ office. By appearing reasonable and sensible, you enhance your own credibility and "send the message" that the dealer is dealing with a knowledgable, sophisticated, and persistant adult. The unwritten message you may wish to send is, "I am not going to take any crap, don't dish out your normal excuses 'cause they don't hold any weight with me, and I'm going to tell all my friends at the country club / work place/ VFW Hall / yacht club /etc. what a sleezy operation you run." (no retailer wants an unhappy customer to badmouth them) Be genuine, let your complaint reflect your better judgement and nature (you set the high standard and expect them to reach for it), and be willing to escalate your complaint until you receive satisfaction..which might include your state's attorney gen'l's office or consumer advocate's office...different names in different states, but I hope you catch my drift. Good Luck, Ted
  12. RainbowBrite

    RainbowBrite New Member

    Apr 1, 2011
    2008 Prius
    I don't know anyone personally that has a Prius, however, I just realized someone I work with has one. She is going to take a ride with me to see what's normal and not.

    Quick question though, I was in my car last night and noticed the Park button doesn't illuminate when the headlights are on. Is it supposed to? The green light comes on when in park, but the Square arount the P and the P itself do not light up. Can't find a good picture or info online. Thanks everyone!
  13. RainbowBrite

    RainbowBrite New Member

    Apr 1, 2011
    2008 Prius
    I found someone at work that has a Prius. They're going to drive with me to check on things. But I'm taking my car to the stereo shop today, and I noticed last night that the Park button doesn't illuminate the P or the square around it. But when in Park, the green light still works. I can't get a hold of the person at work right now. Hopefully one of you can answer it before I get to the stereo shop. Anyway. When they messed with my iPod cable, certain things stopped working, so I'm taking it back.