Hey all- I've been looking forward to owning a Prius for about 5 years, and finally have the $$ to do it. I'm about to buy, but want to make certain I don't spend more than needed to for what I want. I'm looking at Blizzard Pearl color ($220. up charge with all models), leather and nav system. I was thinking I need to go to the IV to get these standard. Would like mats and door guards. Can I just go with the III and add nav system and leather? I s there any significant difference between the 2, aside from $2,800.? Is the PriusChat deal on extended warranty for real?Thanks!
Not real sure about your deal, but my advice would be to SLOW down, don't get in a hurry and take your time with your purchase. Don't pull the trigger on buying something until you are 100% sure. I only say this because reading your post sounds to me, like you could be rushing into doing a deal. Remember, taking your time saves you money.
Not much in the way of deals at the present. With current gas prices and delivery shortages from Japan as a result of the disaster, close to MSRP is the going rate. Am only saving $500. going through my credit union. FYI, I'm looking to this forum to help me be "100% sure" of the model and extras.
I bought a III with Nav, and glad I did. The Nav works fine unless you are really picky, and and I don't have cords and suction cups all over the car as theft-bait. Plus you get back-up camera and a nicer screen for audio controls. I thought about after market leather, but the dark gray stock upholstery is actually quite good, holding up well, and doesn't show dirt.
There are some Three's with nav, but I believe the majority of them on lots are without nav. If you get it without nav, you can't add Toyota nav later, but you could use a Garmin and not be locked out of dialing in address while driving. Prius Two - base model, basic audio, no bluetooth for phone, fabric seats Prius Three, no nav - JBL audio much better than Two, bluetooth for phone, fabric, $1k more than Two Prius three w/nav adds nav, backup camera, USB port (you could use a Garmin nav, and backup camera is not necessary, just nice to have) $2,800 more than Two. Prius Four - big jump up - leather seating, they'll all have navigation unit (same as the Three) It depends on how much you want to spend. Leather seats, steering wheel are nice. I would have gone with the Three, no nav. Silver is a great color and don't have $220 upcharge for bliz.
For good leather seats you will need to go with at least the IV (Four). You can get the Nav with the III (Three) and you can get leather-faced seats but these aren't as good as the full leather of the IV and V, from what I understand. The II does not come with the Nav or leather. The Toyota web site should give you a list of the features on the different models along with the options, in a spreadsheet format for comparison purposes. I would view this carefully and be sure you understand what features you want and which model will have these features.
Like they said.....all depends on how much you want to spend. One thing I would like to add though.....do not buy an extended warranty through the dealer! I can't validate any offers found on the forum, but I can tell you that I'm almost 100-percent sure that you can beat the price that they're going to charge you at the dealership if you shop around---and you won't be paying interest on the amount that they overcharged you by rolling the warranty into your new car loan. They're making enough off of you already.... $500 off of MSRP? I think I'd wait----but that's on you. Good Luck with whatever you decide!!!
Absolutely amazing the quick, quality responses you folks gave! Can't tell you how helpful they are. Interesting in the 'leather wrapped' seats (option for III) vs. Prius IV integral leather. Has anyone else heard of this? The advice on the extended warranty saved me a bunch. Am going to take a bit more time and look to buy by the end of the month.
You might save some money getting the cloth seats and then later upgrading to Clazzio leather seat covers. Search "Clazzio" and see if you like what you see. You can also upgrade the seats later with after-market leather for less than the stock leather.
IMO the stock leather in the IV is the worst/cheapest quality leather I've ever had in a vehicle. It's very stiff and plasticy feeling. Stains don't wipe away easily like other leathers. I almost chose a III and had aftermarket leather installed but didn't have the luxury of time to do that. Plus, I only intend to keep this IV for 2 years and then the DH gets it.
Thanks. I've got the luxury of time. Any idea what the process is as far as aftermarket leather? Who to go to, how much, etc.? Is everyone as unimpressed with Prius leather?
Thanks. I took a look a Clazzio. Do you have them or have actually seen them. Easy to install? Form fitting?
I've got the OP's described car: blizzard white, leather seats, nav system, model III. My wife has the model IV. Personally, I can't tell much difference in the leather interior, except she has a leather steering wheel and the console lid is also leather in her car. There is some slight difference in her other interior covers on the doors. Where I got my Prius, the dealer had plenty of model IIIs with leather seats.
I just did a quick (and probably incomplete) ckeck: Customer Incentive (Expires 4-4-11) • Models in Chicago, Denver, Kansas City, Los Angeles & Portland Regions $500.00 Cash This tells me that if a dealer (in those places) offers you a 'deal' for MSRP minus $500....then it really is a sweet deal......for them. IMHO it would probably be better to wait for a new Prius purchase until it's more of a buyer's market....and history sugests that there will be another buyer's market. It wasn't that long ago that dealers were running specials for G3-IIs at $19,999.99. It'll happen again...maybe not 19.999K...but it'll happen. Just wait until the PHVs hit the streets....
"Wait..."? Easy for you to say. You HAVE one. I''m anxious to get with the Prius program now that I can finally afford one. Would like to be able to see into the future for the next special. Gas prices would have to come down, and that's not going to happen anytime soon.
I got the 2 and have added as i wanted. Fogs Hid's and radio w/dvd. Next will be a two tone leather kit and LED's through out. I have added just enough. I plan to keep this car another 2 yrs and sell it. I'm in sales and doesnt make sense to keep a car longer than 3 yrs. btw:welcome:
I don't have them but I think they look pretty sharp myself. The pictures tell the story. I think it's a good option and you can live with the inexpensive cloth seats for a while and still have an option to upgrade.
I think you should be very careful about supply and demand on the Prius. Gas prices are high, demand is high. Sales increaseed 38% in 1 month on Prius. Earthquake in Japan. Good chance that could affect parts availability and it will take a long time to recover. Gas prices might stay high for a long time. If you see Prius' starting to sell out, prices will only get higher and may have to wait on list to pay full MSRP. It happened most of 2008.