All, I live in Maryland, and it seems that packages 2,6,7, and 8 are available. The "mid" level package 6 in '06 is approximately $2000 more then the "mid" level package in '05, which is package 4. Well, I'm NOT paying over $28000 for a car after tax and tags, no way no how. I'ts just a damned car, and even though i could afford the car, I refuse to just out of principle. Plus, package 6 has much more stuff in it than is nessasary. Some of this junk like bluetooth, homelink, etc is just crap. Tech geeks aside, who NEEDS that stuff in a car, especially since the Prius doesn't have the basics like electric seat adjustment, which is damned near standard in most cars in its class. BUT... Package #4 in 2006 is about $2000 less, and is just under what I would be willing to pay for a car without loosing all vestiges of my already fragile sanity. So the question is, does anyone know where Toyota is planning on selling package #4? I'd like to see if a dealer is willing to dx it for me, or if worst comes to worst, let's say it's available in the south or midwest, I may consider taking a bit of a road trip to get it... Sorry for my rant, but I'm angry that that first available package in my region with VSC, which is a significant safety feature is $2000 more then last years, especially since several dealerst insinuated that the differnce in cost between an '05 #4 and an #06 #6 would be minimal. I'd like to get a Prius; besides the fact that it is a well made car, I'm an environmentalist, and between reduced pollution and CO2, as well as the need for the US to ween itself off of foreign oil, this could be the ideal car for me, cost notwithstanding. Package #4 is the only one that works for me. Sorry for my longwinded rant, Cosmo
I just got a call from my dealer in PA (Krause Toyota) who told me the same four packages were available here (2,6,7,8). He mentioned Ohio and Georgia as places getting the #4. I'm in the same boat as you -- #4 was my desired package, and $2000 more to get VSC/SC airbags in #6 kinda blows.
mmurphy000, Thank you, it seems that I'm not the only one that feels this way. To be honest, the only two features i see a need for over the base vehicle is the airbags and VSC. Ok, it would be nice to get a slightly better radio, especially since I've heard trying to replace the factory stereo with an aftermarket one is damned near impossible. If anyone know different on that one, please let me know as well. Cosmo
Cosmo.. you never put in your profile where you are at.. I believe its also avaliable in the washington/oregon area.
Ugh, that is frustrating, as I'm in the same boat as you guys. When I placed my requisition request in early October, the dealer said that they were offering packages 2, 4, 6, and 8. I asked for a 4, with 6 being an option (although I thought it would be out of my price range). He told me today that they weren't going to be offering the package 4 here (DE), which seems to mesh with what you guys are saying... I really want the airbags and VSC, but I don't want to pay for the upgraded headlights and bluetooth crap...
Windstrings, He stated in his post that he was from Maryland. I am EXACTLY right there with you Cosmo. I feel the same way. Someone posted Ohio and Georgia as being places that will be getting #4. By saying Georgia, does that mean that all of the Southeastern region will be getting #4 (NC, SC, GA, FL?) Man, I hope so.
I was the guy who mentioned Ohio and Georgia on this thread. I got that from my sales rep in Pennsylvania. I got the sense it was more than wild speculation on his part, but I'd still take it with a grain of salt until somebody from those regions chimes in...
We just found out today that package #4 WILL be available here in the Northwest, so if you've thought about checking this area out, here's your chance to visit! (I'm originally from NJ and summered in DE and MD and love it out here now.) And, though this belongs on another thread, the local (Eugene) dealer we've been talking to and thought we'd buy from now says they're charging an extra $1200 on top of MSRP for Prii in '06, so we'll go elsewhere! :angry: We're likely going to get ours from a local leasing agency that also sells new cars, and will go pay them a visit tomorow to talk some details. They say they'll charge us MSRP only.
Well Cosmo, All 8 packages are available from my neck of the woods "Gulf States Region". I don't know if it's worth a trip for ya but maybe in this case, so I thought I'd reply. PM me if you'd like to dicuss. Aaron
All, Thanks for all the replies, I don't think that heading to the Pacific Northwest or New Mexico to pick up a car is particularly feasable for me. The southeast or midwest would be more likely. I spoke to a dealer last night, and her impression was that package #4 will only be available later in the year, around Sept, Oct '06. I don't know if she meant the entire country, or just in the mid atlantic region, but either way it was a depressing conversation. She very well may be wrong, but she has been quite helpfull in the past. I propose a thread should be started that lists the options available by region, and that people should enter in what they know when they are POSITIVE there information is correct. As an example, I've spoken to four differnt dealers, and they all concur that packages 2,6,7 and 8 are the only packages available in the Mid-Atlantic region at this point in time. To be honest I do not know exactly which states fall into that region. There seems to be at least a few Toyota salesmen that visit this site, I would think they would have better first hand knowledge, and with a little bit of effort could find out the exact distribution of option packages in varoius regions of the country. Maybe pin that thread so it stays at the top of the forum page? So does anyone know if it is possible to get an "aftermarket" VSC from Toyota? It seems like a wild idea, but after reading up on it abit, and I could be way off on this one, but it seems that the hardware necessary for such a change would be small, since traction control works similarly, and that most of the change is software. If that would be possible, I'd consider getting a package #2 and adding that later. I know, probably I'm crazy on this one, but if you don't ask... Peace, Cosmo