Presenting : The barcelona RED Renegades This thread is the answer to the "Blizzard Brigade" Barcelona Red owner Unite lets see if we can beat their numbers Prius 2011 II barcelona red ,Rosen nav system.
Me and Ruby Sue are in. Soooo, it looks like the top 3 U.S. (global?) color choices are ready to rumble!
I love the color choice. I have had a 2010 III for a month and a half now. I'm never going back to a regular car again!
Re: Presenting : The barcelona RED All the 2010/2011 colors are great, but red is my favorite (and the color of my 2010).
I only see white and red threads right now...what's the third? I was curious, since I've noticed many cars for sale are silver, I thought I'd try googling: Most Popular Colors - I think it would be interesting to break it down more to types. I'm sure red is more popular with sports cars. Before my Prius, I had a black Camry. Since the color showed off dirt a lot, I don't think I'll go with black again. I looked at the red Prius, but I would have liked it to be more vibrant. I chose white because it did seem to pop the most. Anywho, I'm not jabbing on what color choices people wind up with...since it is different strokes for different folks: but I do find it interesting whether color choices change over the years.
Not sure why, but I'm in. Prius colors in the US are boring and uninspired (the Japan colors are cool), red was the best I could do. Already own a Sandy Beach Tacoma, couldn't buy a Prius in the same color.
Barcelona cannot compare to Salsa Red Pearl. I feel sorry for those of you who missed out and now must drive a tomato-colored car. : p