First 50 miles

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Fuel Economy' started by JackDodge, Nov 7, 2005.

  1. JackDodge

    JackDodge Gold Member

    Sep 22, 2005
    Bloomfield Hills, MI
    Other Hybrid
    Heeding hwearsch's suggestion regarding the fuel bladder, the last time that I filled up, I really squeezed the last couple of gallons in to the tank until I could see gasoline near the top. I had filled it up on a Friday evening and throughout the weekend, all I did was short trips so that the car didn't get a chance to warm up. By Monday, the mpg was showing around 45 which is really low for me. By the time I had to fill up yesterday, it had gotten up to 46 point something and the calculator showed only a slight difference. Again, I filled until I could see gasoline near the top. This is the only way to really know what you start with since you can't go by the first shut off.

    It was really windy here yesterday. It was cold too. I had to do a lot of driving so the car was warm most of the time and the trips were long enough for the car to warm up. I noticed late yesterday that the mpg was around 50 and it got close to 51 this morning on the way in to the office. It seems that the first fifty miles that I drive after filling up affects the mpg for the entire tank. It's not just this fill up, either. I noticed this at least a couple of times over the summer and I always doublecheck the mpg on the display with what I get on the calculator.
  2. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    The first few miles appear to affect the MFD MPG more but it like your college GPA a few C and D that first Freshman semester when you are getting you feet on the ground take a lot of B and A to pull up by the time you are applying to grad school. The low MPF the first 5 or 10 min with a low number of miles on the tank pulls the MFD figure down faster that average or higher than average build it back up. Also as you burn gas the car gets lighter so you will get better mileage. My typical pattern over the last year and a bit is that I fill up on the way home. Warm car. Air temp close to the high for the day. Lots of down hill between there and my house. I park basking in the glow of 70-80 mpg figures. Then morning comes. It is a lot colder out side. The car is cold. For the first 5min bar on the consumption display I am around 25 mpg and my Tank miles are down to 40’s. They bounce around for the first ¼ tank then slowly rise to something in the 50’s. Now with addition of my block heater the first bar is up because the car is warm but the overall pattern with a new tank is the same start low, bounce around then rise through the rest of the tank
  3. Maytrix

    Maytrix Member

    Aug 22, 2005
    Marlborough, Mass
    2009 Prius
    hdrygas is right. And it makes perfect sense. Think about how it calculates (or how I would presume it calculates).

    1 - It knows the rate at which fuel is flowing
    2 - It knows how many mph your are driving

    So, Let's say every second it takes a sampling. The fewer samples you have, the more each individual sample will affect your mileage. As you keep adding miles, adjustments will be much smaller.

    For example:

    Example 1 (5 samples): 50mpg, 50mpg, 50mpg, 50mpg, 25mpg
    Average of example 1 is: 45

    Example 2 (10 samples): 50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,25
    Average of example 2 is: 47.5

    So, let's say you had 500 samples. 100 at 20mpg and 400 at 60mpg. Your average would be 52! It's all about averages.

    hdrygas's example of college is good, but if you only got a few C and D's and the majority of everything else were A's and B's, then your average would be up towards the A's and B's.

    EDIT - I should also add - it can have the opposite effect as well. If you start of getting 60mpg in your first 25-50 miles, you could still end up with 50 when you fill up. I had a nice little drive one day in my first 26 miles that had me up to 64.2mpg. Then my next leg of my trip, I dropped down into the 50's. Final reading was 54.3
  4. JackDodge

    JackDodge Gold Member

    Sep 22, 2005
    Bloomfield Hills, MI
    Other Hybrid
    Well, yeah, I already know that stuff. The thing that I was trying to get across is that if my mpg is 45 by the time I get the first 50 miles on the trip, then that's where it stays throughout the tank. If I get it to 51 by the time the first 50 miles is driven, I get 51 for the entire tank. The first 50 miles seems to dictate my overall mpg every time.
  5. tideland_raj

    tideland_raj New Member

    Jul 2, 2005
    Sunnyvale, CA
    Have you actually validated the MFD's mileage stats with reality? IE, how many miles did you get on your fillup of X gallons? I've noticed sometimes the MFD is quite a bit off (anywhere from 1-3 mpg).
  6. Maytrix

    Maytrix Member

    Aug 22, 2005
    Marlborough, Mass
    2009 Prius
    Well.. that's certainly odd. I am at over 200 miles and still am able to increase my mpg a bit. From 50-200, I went from 49mpg to 52.
  7. JackDodge

    JackDodge Gold Member

    Sep 22, 2005
    Bloomfield Hills, MI
    Other Hybrid
    Mine goes up somewhat too but I couldn't get the last tank past 46. It only improved one mile per gallon for the entire tank. On this tank, I got it to 51 before the first fifty miles passed and it's pretty much stayed there since. It's weird. Maybe there's something I'm missing about the way I drive or something <shrug> :huh:
  8. tomdeimos

    tomdeimos New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
    Lexington, MA
    My first 50 miles have nothing to do with what I get for a tank. Some times it goes up a lot, other times it goes down. Mostly depends on car temperature when I fill and where I am driving.

    I've had 50 miles at under 40 and 50 miles at over 70. My tank average generally comes out 50 to 57 in summer regardless.