SIRIUS subscribers FYI

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by BrianTheDog, Nov 8, 2005.

  1. BrianTheDog

    BrianTheDog New Member

    Oct 31, 2005
    Northeast Alabama
    Thought I'd pass this along to anyone looking for SIRIUS solutions to the Prius. (I've decided to wait for the SIRIUS s50 portable, which will cost slightly less than the integrated kit from Factory Interactive.)

    I e-mailed VAIS last night about their AIC-100x and AVIC-100x supporting XM radio, and asked if they had anything that would support full-control of SIRIUS PnPs. (AIC-100 should support any PnP, just without MFD controls.) Here's the response I just got:

    "We do not support Sirius yet, but are planning in the future. Probably a few months ahead."

    May be worth the wait to stick with wireless FM mod until then. Hopefully they'll offer an AVIC version, which will include video inputs.

    (Also FYI: I was originally concerned about Factory Interactive's SIRIUSPrius. I'm careful about ordering online from a company I don't know. The Better Business Bureau doesn't have a file on FI. So I called SIRIUS and verified that FI is a legitimate partner with SIRIUS. If anyone wants to go that route, you shouldn't have anything to worry about.)
  2. BrianTheDog

    BrianTheDog New Member

    Oct 31, 2005
    Northeast Alabama

    Topic sub-head should read "e-mail" not "e-mal."

    Couldn't edit the sub-heading.
