I'm looking to place the GPS antenna for my Kenwood DNX6960 inside the dash behind the headunit. Has anyone placed their GPS antenna there for the 2010? If so, is reception/accuracy compromised at all? I've heard that the signal can go through glass and plastic without difficulty, but am wondering if the MFD impacts this. If anyone has placed their GPS antenna in dash, I'd love some information/detailed directions/pictures regarding location. Thank you!
Fraychild placed his there on his Rosen. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...-another-rosen-navigation-system-install.html
i tried fraychild's way but it didnt work for me. i couldnt get any reception at all until the antenna had a clear line of sight to the sky. i think other's might have gotten fraychild's method to work though
Thanks for the replies. So, Dopey, you just tried adding the antenna atop the unit and had no reception? I'd love it if it works for me (no unsightly antenna on my dash). Why would it work for some and not for others? Maybe the brand? Did you use a Rosen stereo as well? Anyone tried this w/a Kenwood?
I remember someone had a problem with it, just couldn't remember who. I know there were others that also placed it on top the unit and it worked. I was going to give it a try. Around here we don't have any tall buildings or days that are not sunny and clear.
yea im not sure why mine never got full bars. it kept trying to get "green dots" when locating the sats but i only saw "red dots." best of luck to you
Thanks y'all..I'll give it a shot and report back when I get my antenna replacement in a couple of weeks.
For my Sony I shoved mine up between the two heater/air vents above the stereo. GPS reception has been great.
I think every position close to the dash/windshield edge should work well. Thanks to the small windshield angle the antenna has a clear sight to sky.
I have had good luck with several vehicles by placing the GPS antenna above the glovebox, looking up thru the windshield. It's pretty easy on most cars to remove the glovebox for access. Just make sure there is not a metal brace in the way. Both my Prii have had factory nav. so no need to add an antenna.
When I installed my Rosen unit, I placed the antenna above the unit like Fraychild. But I found I had no reception. The antenna had been pushed down the back and was sideways..... Once I reset the position, the antenna gave me so-so reception. Sometimes it loses lock so I'm looking to move the antenna somewhere else. Above the glove box sounds like the next spot to try for me. Or between the vents. I'll let you all know what I figure out. Thanks
I'm having the same issue, I think mine got pushed back when I slid the Rosen back. Like Mike, I will give it a shot sticking it to the vent.
funny i thought it was just be with the issue. for some reason, as the others, im working on the rosen today as well. i will try the gps out above the glove box since i have nothing better to do
Thanks for the feedback..I'm interested in the glove box position.. does anyone have tips on an easy way to remove the glove box?
I've run the antenna (both XM and seperate GPS) on top of a HU (just magnetically held to the box) - worked good, but would cut out too often (music). Moved it under the squaker (front speaker), and GPS came live faster, better XM... I just added Pioneer 3.5" to the squaker location, so I just hot glued both antennae to the lower corner - next to the A pillar... XM seems to work better (less cut outs in areas where line-of-sight is questionable). The A pillars are simple to wire (you can drop the cable straight to the floor through the squaker hole).
I installed a Rosen unit today and routed the the gps receiver under the passenger side dash and near the front window. The cabling is mostly hidden, but I have to work on a single strand near the corner window. GPS reception is excellent there and it locks fairly quickly. I would really like an external install, but I'm really unable to find good documentation on the subject. The Rosen installation vid is kinda funny here. One moment they give detailed instructions on installation and then POW "mount your antenna here, here or here." The various locations being external and route through the window seal. That made me want to run out and buy a dehydrator right then. (Think about it)
the majority of the time you can stick it to the top of the receiver. u just have to be sure there is no metal above where it will be when u slide it in. so it may be that where u had it there was somthing metal above it. out of personal opinion tho ive had alot of issues with the kenwood nav so it could also be the antenna. One install I had done for someone, I ended up just using a generic gps antenna and had much better luck.