Milk in Washington State... Low levels of radiation found in U.S. milk - Health - Health care - More health news -
There you have it. A private company assessed that there would be a minimum 10% chance of "Tsunami Overrun" within 50 years at the Fukushima plant and decided to do nothing about it. I think the study should be required reading for anyone contemplating that self-regulation by corporations would be a good thing.
Entomb? Cement pumps flown in to nuke plant - World news - Asia-Pacific - They don't want their concrete pumper trucks back.
The Fukushima disaster will become free advertising for Mercedes Benz trucks just like the Libyan revolution is free advertising for Toyota trucks
Report: Fukushima nuke workers expect to die - World news - Asia-Pacific - Workers told Mom they expect to die...
Toyota trucks are the truck most commonly used as mobile weapons platforms and troop carriers by irregular (and sometimes regular) forces in Turd World countries, particularly the middle East and Africa.
Rebel groups the world over endorse the Toyota HiLux! Start your insurgency today at a local Toyota dealer! Why Rebel Groups Love the Toyota Hilux - Newsweek * Disclaimer: This is a joke
When entombment of the reactors begin, the pumps used for this process is built by Putzmeister of Germany. They ride on Mercedes Benz Diesel trucks. The whole world would be looking at these trucks as the process begins.
I was referring to the irresponsible attitude by private companies like Halliburton when they were grilled about where they spent the gazilllion of dollars for Iraq, Instead of explaining where our tax dollars went, they moved their operation to Abbudabbadu.
If you were in the oil business and did most of your business in the Middle East where would you put your HQ? Half way around the world doesn't sound like a good idea to me. They are still legally registered as a US corp and has not left the US or Houston. If you have evidence of wrong doing by Halliburton take it to Attorney General Erik Holder. I'm sure he and other like minded liberals would love to tear apart any company that Cheney was remotely associated with. IIRC Halliburton has to date not been charged with fraud. Furthermore, the reason they received the "no-bid" (sic) contracts was 1) Because of cut backs in defense spending the US Military was compelled/forced to rely on private contractors. 2) Few if any other companies were big enough or had the expertise to do the job. 3) Contrary to popular belief the no-bid contracts weren't no-bid contracts, a GAO accounting audit(?) concluded that there was sufficient competition in the bidding. 4) A good part of the charge of fraud was over meals served to soldiers. The Military has strict rules as to what it soldiers eat and in a combat zone it's tough to plan where, how much and when troops will eat. They are moved into and out of area's without notice. Therefore, all the dining facilities have to be ready at a moments notice to feed either a handful of soldiers or a division. Waste is prevalent but not the fault of Halliburton as they were meeting the requirements of their contract. 5) The gasoline billing dispute was largely the result of wartime requirements. In fact on at least one occasion a . . . This issue was ginned up by the Liberal Media who have a political/social agenda and this type of divisive action helps serve that goal. They hate conservatives, Cheney was a conservative that had ties to Halliburton. Therefore, they fabricated this story to hurt him and any further political gains conservatives might have in the future. Halliburton was just the means to do so ergo, IMHO Halliburton isn't the problem the media is the main problem in America. Next time check the facts and both sides of the story please . . . :thumb: Anti-Bush Ad Overstates Case Against Halliburton
High resolution pictures of the Fukushima reactor site: Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Hi-Res Photos
And now, back to our regular programming... Thanks to the unfamiliar but sophisticated art of atomic forensics, experts around the world have been able to document the situation vividly. Over decades, they have become very good at illuminating the hidden workings of nuclear power plants from afar, turning scraps of information into detailed analyses. For example, an analysis by a French energy company revealed far more about the condition of the plant’s reactors than the Japanese have ever described: water levels at the reactor cores dropping by as much as three-quarters, and temperatures in those cores soaring to nearly 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit, hot enough to burn and melt the zirconium casings that protect the fuel rods.