Okay, I think I figured something out. Right when I said I didn't know what I could do to improve. I think I may have figured out what a "real" pulse is, despite having read it many times over. I know my wife gets better mileage on short in town trips than I do, so I figured there had to be a reason. She drives like a grandmother - easy with the pedals, accelerates slowly, brakes early. Gave it a little trial run last night, and put it to test for real this morning on the way to work. I think my "pulse" has been too aggressive, in the 9-15mpg range. Dialing that back to where I'm getting 15-25 on the way up seems to make a difference. It's not grandma slow, but it's pretty darn close (sorry to the repeatedly offended grandmas ). It's not near as aggressive as I have been, and I had already dialed it back considerably from how I drove my old Nissan. Just being a little more even and patient on the accelerator. I do have to watch the current consumption screen a bit to see how I am doing, as I can't do it by feel yet. Anyway, on the way to work this morning I went from 52.7 to 53.4...on a trip where the highway speeds typically drop my mileage by about that much and I fight to get it back. Also driving into the wind most of the way there. So I'm hopeful. We'll see what transpires over the next few days. Now at 175 miles this tank. I'd love to top 55mpg for a tank. I'm still moving the average up pretty quickly, which is a good indicator that I'm doing something right. :rockon:
Thar's great. With the wind gusting to 45 mph this morning, that's pretty good. P&G does take practice. The idea is if you're going to burn fuel, then burn it at the engine's most efficient range. That's the 75 % to 100% (no red) range on the HSI. So ideally you pulse up to your desired speed and then blip and back off the gas pedal so the instant mpg range goes and stays at 100 mpg. This is the glide portion. Try to keep the HSI in the 0% to 25% range. If you glide longer and farther than you did during the pulse your mpg average will go up. Here's a link to a great graphic by Ken@Japan Optimum P&G The hard part is deciding how slow you will allow the car to go before pulsing again. (Depends on traffic and other conditions.) I never do this in traffic and I never get in anyone's way. Always stay safe. You can see how hills, stop signs/lights, and traffic all come into play with P&G. All of this assumes that your engine is warm. If the engine is cold, it's going to run more often to get itself up to at least 155°. Once there, P&G is much more easy because the engine is easier to shut off. It's counter intuitive to accelerate briskly but it you accelerate at 75% to 100% and then glide at the speed limit, you'll get good mileage. You're getting there and making good progress. It just takes a bit of time. Also, I allow others to go past me and turn the light green so I don't have to stop when I can.
par struggle, Wonderful on increasing averages! You might try watching energy display, not consumption, I imagine it will help. Reason is, for true glide, you want no arrows going anywhere, but from consumption screen you're probably getting EV mode (yellow arrows to wheels). You'll probably end up using a combo of those, but good to know the difference. Also during pulse for the most part you want this sort of look with the arrows: http://www.cleanmpg.com/photos/data/506/Pulse_Rate_of_23_3_mpg.JPG Think mathematically - with 10 mpg pulse over .5 miles, you would then have to glide .5 miles just to get 20 mpg, or 1.0 miles to get 30 mpg. If average pulse is 20 mpg over .5 miles, then glide over .5 miles gives you 40 mpg. If pulse is average 30 mpg over .5 miles, then glide for .5 miles for the magic 60.
Mark - I'm in a 2009. No HSI for me, at least not as I understand the term. I've got the old school screens. I did test drive a 2010 - one of the reasons I have a Prius at all is that my wife was drooling over it and I had to tear her off the lot after the test drive. She actually went back inside with the sales guy after the drive. She grew up poor and has never wanted ANYTHING that cost significant money, but the draw of that car for her was something else. We found a great deal on the 2009 - 13K at 41,000 miles. Also have no Scangauge as yet. Mike - I find that I drive for better average when using the Current screen rather than the Energy Monitor. I have a good pedal feel for true glide - I've verified that many times over. What I don't have the feel for is the pulse. And even from a dead stop (not true pulse), I'm aiming to keep my consumption in the 15-25 range rather than going leadfoot with it and getting eight. I think I'm too aggressive with both my starts from a stop and on my pulsing. I basically never pulse for a half mile stretch - it's always much, much shorter. I guess my style is more of micro pulse and glide. Oddly enough there are times when I'm on the highway when I can hit that sweet spot your graphic references, even when going 65-70mph. When I do that, I can go long stretches getting really good mileage (upwards of 60mpg). I'm not sure, but that may be what you guys refer to as super highway mode.
Ah yes, I should've said - the .5 miles was just for easy math, not necessarily a standard pulse distance goal.
One of the techies on here (I think it was Hobbit, or maybe bobwilson4, but I've forgot) determined that the sweet spot for the Gen II was around 2200-2400 rpm during acceleration. If you don't have a Scangauge, a rough estimate is to keep your instantaneous MPG at 50% + of your current speed. This means you need to stay on the energy screen to see it. I DO have a Scangauge and find it's a good ballpark guideline.
Thanks mikewithaprius and MJFrog for bailing me out. I'm Gen II display deficient. I knew there were some power range differences but I completely forgot about the screens. Sorry about that par_struggle. That was a great deal you got on your 09.
I had to bail out on this latest tank. Needed to fill up today so the wife could take the kids to OKC for the day. Ended up at 52.7 on the tank, still my best ever for average. At one point late in the tank I was over 54, but a series of short early morning trips over the last two days killed the effort to finish over 55mpg. Still, onward and upward and all that. :rockon:
Congratulations! 508 miles at 49.0 indicated mpg is 10.37 gallons. I wish I was brave enough to pump as much gas in the bladder even during the summer.
Hit 477 miles in one tank, prius took around 9 gallons of gas about $33.00 total. I happened to look over at a pickup truck across from me at the pump and he was at $91.00 and still pumping! I probably could have pushed more mileage out of it, but I was afraid of running out of gas. The pip light was flashing and my father in-law ran his Prius out of gas after 37 miles of the warning light.