It's an interesting look. Couple of questions though. 1. Does it have much impact on the brightness of the various lights? 2. Is it legal?
I would worry that that much tint on safety devices will reduce the effectiveness of Brake Lamps etc...
1. Does it have much impact on the brightness of the various lights? - Yes it does. 2. Is it legal? - No it's not. I commute early in the mornings when it's still dark out and I'm constantly running up on someone with tinted tails and never see then until the last minute. I've already decided that if I ever rearend someone with tinted tails I'm going to sue them back to the stone age for putting me or my family in danger. Not sue their insurance company, sue them personally so they'll be living with their parents until they're 60.
Yes , its for the look , I bought the films on ebay and did it myself .. I like it .. it looks dark in the photo but it isn't that bad in real life, its a light smoke color. I tested during Night/Day time and the brake lights are still very visible. I had it on for over a year already, never had an issue other than compliments
ha ha.. i'm not a fan of tinted tail lights on any car but to each their own. if you want your prius to stand out you can get the TRD corolla rear sway bar. the rear end of the prius is pretty high so the red sway bar is really noticeable for any cars behind you
^blech, really? I would not want people to see the underside of my car, flashy, TRD, or not. That's private yo!
Just an update on the OP's tint job. I found this video of him in his bother car (also tinted taillights). Ok it's not really the OP. But it does show why tinting your tail-lights isn't necessarily a good idea.
Tail light color is federally mandated by DOT. It is illegal to change the color of tail lights (tint) in all 50 states.
I'm with S3NFO. I am generally in favor of less, not more, government regulation. When you INTENTIONALLY set out to make your taillights/brakelights less visible though, you are making a choice to make every other motorists life less valuable in favor of not looking "like every other Prius on the road". No, instead it looks like a Prius owned and operated by a misguided fool.
Yep that's exactly the point I was trying to make. The video I posted was as a joke, obviously it's not really of the OP.