I have a new 2011 Prius Three. I can tell that my dog is going to wear out the center console fabric really fast. I'm looking for a center console cover that is not made out of leather. I've searched the chat forum and found a perfect one made by Prius Hoods sold on E-Bay. Is there something like that made of a non-leather material.
There is nothing wrong with the leather one. I prefer to buy products that do not come from animals if possible.
On my Prius V w/ leather seats, the center console cover is some sort of vinyl. Why not check how much they are at the dealer or internet?
I'm looking for something to go over the top of what I have. I think what you are suggesting is to replace the entire lid. Thanks for the idea, but I think I'll keep looking for an add on piece. If not I'll just make my own, but it's nice to find a custom fit piece if it exists.
I have the Priushoods cover. They have a phone number, I believe. Maybe you could get a pleather one made for you. Just a thought.
IIRC, someone on PC did a very nice DIY cover w/pictures. Wouldn't know what to search for, though...
That would be: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...fications/79615-centre-armrest-cover-mod.html I'm tempted to do this myself...
Just curious about the Priushoods cover. How does that attach. The descriptio says velcro, but does it velcro to the fabric on the console? If the idea is to protect the fabric on the console, wont the velcro tear that up?
I seriously doubt most these things being touted as Leather actually are, most are synthetic... The armrest that came with the Clazzio Seatcovers is a leather look-a-like, maybe they will sell just a cover.
Thanks for all of the input. I like the custom made center arm rest, I might try that. Also Robin at Prius Hood said she has some black vinyl material that she can use to make one for me.
I ordered this cheesy thing from Amazon and it fits and works OK, but it's definitely not for looks. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0041GKR6G