I recently purchased a used 2010 Prius II and they have the owner's manual on order for me and I was wondering what that little box is for that is above the power indicator bar? It's to the right of the battery level indicator and above the bar that shows how much power you are getting from ICE or battery. Also, what does the "READY" symbol mean? Thanks for your help, and these little cars are awesome!
Welcome to the forum. Since your manual is on order, you can go to this thread http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...wners-manual-available-pdf-3.html#post1118708 and download a copy in PDF form. It's easier to search thorough anyway. If you don't see the ready symbol, you're not going anywhere.
Yea, looking at the owner's manual (thanks Mark!) I think under Settings that the ECO indicator is turned off because even when I have it in ECO Mode the box is still empty. I'll try it out a little later and see if that fixes the problem. Thanks for the help!
Yeah, if it never shows up (eco lit in the box) then it is turned off. You can turn it on again under settings when messing with the touch tracer display.
I'm glad that helped. I like keeping the PDF version handy because it's so easy to do search look ups on key words. Printed indexes are only so good. Have a blast driving past all those gas stations.
I am surprised an owner of a 2010 Prius is asking what the ready light means! My dealer explained precisely what the Ready light was for when I test drove the car!
Not all dealers are created equally. My dealer explained nothing, but luckily I had a manual that I could read.
My salesman did not explain anything...he was nice though when dealing with the car and gave me a good deal...so, can't complain....
I think it's odd the differences in what's important to salespersons when explaining new car delivery details. Makes me think that Toyota could serve themselves better by standardizing across all new dealers a common new car delivery process and description; especially a car as technology-laden as Prius. Congrats on your Prius and welcome to PriusChat. :cheer2: