Good morning! In January, I bought a new (used) 2007 Prius and love it. Then in February, I bought another 2007 from a friend. It's a long story…but now I am trying to sell the second one. Many times I have come to this forum and read the posts and the sage advice…also love the humor! Now, hopefully somebody can offer me some good advice. I am not a car salesman (in fact I'm a girl :cheer2, so would appreciate any suggestions anybody can offer. Currently I have it listed on Craigslist in the SF bay area. Because of restrictions on this site I'm unable to post the link, but if anybody has a few minutes to check it out and then offer input I'd appreciate any comments. FYI - it is the Blue 07 w/104K miles. I put many photos in the ad because I used a web hosting service. Additionally, I think the price is fair because the car is in great condition, but maybe I'm asking too much? Also, does anybody have an opinion about selling a vehicle on ebay? I've bought/sold many items on ebay, but a vehicle is not one of those items. I think it would be rather costly. Sheesh…I get myself into pickles sometimes by baling people out of THEIR pickles! Many thanks. Jan
Are you implying you can't be a car salesman because you're a girl? I'm sure you won't have any problem selling your Prius. Honestly, I think a "For Sale" sign in the side window does much better than an eBay/Craig's list. Good luck!
Gosh..the posting does, somewhat convey that doesn't it? I didn't mean to imply that girls can't sell cars. I was simply referencing salesMAN…my attempt at humor and nope, I'm not a feminist or require politically correctness either:rockon::rockon::rockon: Thank you, I hope it will sell SOON. Yep, I have "For Sale" signs in it, but I let somebody "test drive" the car for two days and they took them off! I'll get them back up when it's light out! BTW - A good car salesman does NOT allow somebody test drive a vehicle for two days. This process is toughening me up (or perhaps, making me wiser?).
(sorry this posted two times…I can't figure out how to delete a post) Good morning Stan: It is listed in Livermore/Dublin/Pleasanton. Thank you. Take care.
That scenario would have ruined my day! She actually is an acquaintance and "bought" it. She asked to take it w/a $100 deposit and I let her. After driving it a couple days, she claimed the seating configuration was uncomfortable for her (she is accustomed to a SUV). Of course, I wouldn't want anybody to be unhappy with it…Yet, I'll not do that again. And yes, I gave her back her deposit (she did say I could keep it).
Jan, a few suggestions: Post a pic of the MFD displaying high mpg if you can. Post the option package number. I'm not home so don't have the 2007 book in front of me. Maybe it's a package 3? We seem to get many "what package do I have" questions. Note hybrid warranty still in effect 10 years/150,000 miles. The tonneau cover was standard and the $200 floormats were accessories. I would list both. Register the vin at Toyota Owners - Official Toyota Owners Website then print the service history. If you can afford to wait don't sell it cheap. You handled the situation with your acquantaince the right way. At first the seat in my 2006 was killing me and it took some time to find the correct adjustment. My 2010's started off fine & is now causing pain. She's a beauty. Good luck.
Thank you Jim for your suggestions. I will check the pkg and edit the photos. GREAT idea regarding MFD! Also, while it does have the floor matts, I removed them from the main cabin area. Tried as I may, it was impossible to remove the staining (and I used a rug doctor). That said, I replaced them with non-Prius matts, but of course, I still can offer the new owner the other ones. Thank you too for the comment about the former "situation". And I agree, I had to adjust my body to driving my Prius as I too experienced pain. My other vehicle is a Lex & the steering wheel comes to me…but I don't even drive it anymore! My Prius rules! BTW - I love the 2010 Prius and even drove a couple. They're sensational. Yet, I resisted. Someday perhaps. In the meantime 2007 Prius is my "doozie". Take care!
My experience selling vehicles online: eBay: everybody will try to lowball you. Also, you will get a fair share of scammers who will bid, but then the sale doesn't go through because of obvious attempts to scam (such as promising overpayments with money orders, pushing for a PayPal transaction, etc.) Some people who "watch" the auction will wait until the auction is over and then send you a personal message asking if you will take less (thousands less). Some will send you a message during the auction and ask if you will stop the auction and take an offer for less. My overall experience - I've put probably six vehicles for sale on eBay, and only one went through. Craigslist: Used this a lot more successfully. Unfortunately, these days CL seems to be a hotbed for scammers and spammers. Last vehicle I posted here I got 90% emails were phishing or spams. Lots of them. And then, just like eBay, you get your fair share of people who try to lowball you. Also, be careful of where you meet someone if you do arrange a meet. I always use a public spot, like a shopping mall or maybe a fastfood restaurant, to meet in the parking lot. Too many crazies out there these days. Good luck.
What day did you post it up on Craigslist? Keep deleting and reposting the ad every two days so it stays near the top. If it is not on the first page of their search, they will probably not go any further. Prices on used Prius around here have gone through the roof. Its hard to say how much they are actually getting for them, though. I would figure out how much you want out of it, and ad another $500.00 and list it for that. Don't get in too big of a hurry to sell. I think that in the next 60 days, demand for our cars is going to spike.
Thank you so much. Because I used a web hosting service, it didn't show up on CL…now it's there with just four little photos, but it's there. 2007 PRIUS - CLEAR TITLE Fantastic advice about reposting frequently! I'll do it. Good advice on pricing too. I'm going to be firm, but flexible…and I've got time! I'm sure somebody is going to get weary getting 15/20 MPG at $4+ a gallon and spending hundreds mthly to get to work to earn the $ to put in the tank, that sucked the fuel….etc! Thank you. Jan
Thank you….it is on CL and I am ready to deal with the kooks…Thank you for the feedback re ebay…that is definitely not for me. CL is bad enough! Take care.
If you were closer, I would help you sell it. I have sold probably 50 cars on Craigslist. I have always had a good experience, except for maybe twice. Those two I basically told I didn't want to sell them the car. They got mad that I said that and took offense. I just told them I didn't need the headaches. I was selling a 2002 Saturn SL for my friend (she bought a new Prius!). It was spotless and had 76k one owner miles on it. The way they were picking the car apart you would have thought they were buying a new car, not a $3,900 used car. On Craigslist, you have to wait 48 hours before you can repost. Every 48 hours, delete the old one and put it up again. Leave a little room to negotiate ($500) and stick to that price. If it doesn't sell in 2 weeks, drop it $500 and try that.
The advice I've received has been invaluable. Thank you. When the ad went "live" on CL, the phone started ringing off the hook…oops, sorry, I don't have a hook . But, it is crazy-making (in a good way). Some people came over and we made a deal, then somebody else came over and since he had never driven a Prius, we took it for a ride. He had concerns because he possess some Goliath DNA: he's 6'.4"+ and guess what? Yep, he fit and LOVED it. A new convert is born. He was a Honda & GMC guy! Yea. He shared w/me a story which happened to his co-worker yesterday, which sold a vehicle, drove it down to So Cal, received a cashier's check and when he went to deposit the check, it was cancelled and the buyer claims he's never met the seller! Was the seller a dummy?!? NOPE…a brilliant scientist at the LLNL! Moral to me: Cash only! I truly believe that the majority of people are good and I will continue to live w/that premise, however, this is not personal, it's business. If this deal falls through, then at least I know there are copious amounts of potential buyers. And even though I didn't list it for $500 higher than what I wanted to sell it for, I came down $200! We all feel whole! Thank you so much for the suggestions! Take care!