Gassed up at 471.2 miles on tank (HSI indicated 17 miles to empty) 9.452 gallons 49.9 mpg (HSI indicated 51.2) $ .0689/mile
Did you start with a 100% full tank or just what the dealer gave you? Just curious because a lot of people post lower MPG numbers for their first tank because the car was test driven by others which usually kills MPG for that tank.
Is it mandatory to deliver cars with full tanks in the US? Here no such thing (except Honda's which charge you for it) I believe you usually get 1/8 - 1/4 full. My Prius came with a good quarter.
I don't think is mandatory but mine was full. "Did the dealer fill the tank for you?" is one of the questions they ask you in a Toyota Purchase/lease Survey.... and we all know how important the survey is for them...
I always figured the full gas tank was the least they could do. "Thanks for the multi-thousand dollar purchase. Here, have $35 in gas, my treat."
Good first tank MPG's. I have 1300 on my new Prius and AVG about 47-48. Weather has been cold since I bought it. I hope with Spring/Summer I will see a increase in MPG. Rick
There is more than one definition of a "full tank." the difference between filled until the gauge just reads full, filled until the pump stops, and a tricle fill to the top of the tank can be as much as three and a half gallons. With $4 gas, I'm guessinig that the difference between the dealers requirement to deliver a "full tank" and your expectation for a tank filled to the top, accounts for the discrepancy that you and many others have noticed for the first tank.
It is a common US market expectation, generally factored into the price of the car, but not a legal requirement.
New cars in the US has always been delivered to the customers with full tank of gas for several years now. My parents bought a new Toyota in 06 and it came with full tank of gas. Some dealers are also filling up full tank of gas for used cars just to be competitive. When I got my truck in 96, I had to put the first tank of gas though. The full tank of gas must have started within the last 10 years. I'm at 820 miles on my tank right now and still got 3 bibs to go. DTE shows 130 miles. I'm trying for 1200 mile tank but I doubt it. I don't know if its factored into the price of the car but MSRP includes a full tank of gas.
I don't see how you guys are doing this w/o always keeping the HSI bar below the halfway mark, even if then. When I try to accelerate at that limited level I get ALL kinds of people going nuts behind me because I'm so slow. It's just not practical.
Mine came with a full tank of gas. I now have 2020 miles on the car and ave 45mpg driving mostly highway/interstates going 75mph. and alot of hills/mountains.
I am having a really hard time shooting for over 47 mpg. Hopefully the answer will be my attempts at changing my driving habits, combined with warmer weather.
Always remember when you pump gas in your new Prius when the pump first clicks off you can still put in another 2 gallons until it fills up to the neck. Just go slowly. Another 90 to 100 miles on a tank is very nice.... al