Ok - it's not even been 3 weeks and I have 1,000 miles already. Averaging 42.2 MPG - which I don't think is bad, because I drive like a girl seems like a lot of miles though.... <_<
Another happy customer. When you say you drive like a girl does that mean you press the gass pedal as far as it goes and hit the breaks at 20 feet from stopping target? Change lanes without looking to see if it's all clear? Apply makeup at red lights and get so embarassed when you realize the light couldn't get any greener that you gun it to get up to speed as fast as the car will go (with your middle finger out the window at anyone who might have honked at you even though you don't know for sure because the tunes are so loud)? Always talking on your rinestone studded cell phone and rocking out to your tunes like you were in a night club and all eyes are on you? I hope you don't cry when you get pulled over by the poh-lice. J/K 3,500 miles here after driving her home Aug. 30th
I'm just about at 5000 miles in about 9 weeks. 1000 miles in 3 is nothing But, if it seems like a lot to you, are you perhaps driving more simply because you have the Prius or is this normal for you?
aka - too funny !! none of those "delightful" things - I just know I'm a bit behind the curve of everyone tweaking their MPG here. Maytrix, now I don't feel so bad. Actually we do drive a lot (hockey) but it's just the fact that it's "new", yet I've already rolled into quadruple digits!
I'm @ 10,000 miles on exactly 4 months. I expect to put 36,000 anually like my previous car. Gotta love the California highway system! Now 42.2mpg is not as great as you would like it to be, but remember that the WINTER gas will yield lower mpg compared to SUMMER gas formula. In other words, expect your mpg to suffer for the next 5 months and it will get better....perhaps to the mid 50s!
Strange. I am currently experiencing my best tank by far (OK, 8%). The MFD is reading 57.5 with about 450 miles since my last fill up. I do not see any evidence of the adverse affects of winter gas.
1,300 miles in two weeks here. On my third tank, now at 48.3MPG, up from 42.4 on the first tank (reset consumption at each fill-up). Getting better at feathering the accelerator. Also mild temps still here in the southeast. Hope it stays that way.....
Whoa Boxster! I though I had the record cinched at 4,100 miles after a week and a couple days! These other guys oughta get off the PC, get out, and drive their Prius a little more.
I assume CA doesn't have excise tax? My reason for waiting until Sept 1st was so I wouldn't get hit with the excise for August as well. I don't think excise tax is in most other states though.
Just a couple of curious questions? How many of you are driving more because you have your Prius? If so, how much more? If you are driving twice as much, aren't you really defeating the purpose of getting a Prius in the first place? I am assuming that most of you made your purchase to save at the pump and minimize the fossil fuels effect on the earth. Just looking for some feedback on here, after pointing that out to a Prius owner I know in person.
I drive about the same. My work commute and occasional weekend gateways. Had about 373000 on my '94 Corolla. I've got 9873 miles on my Prius after 4 months.
I have had my Prius two months and have 5000 miles on it. This is a bit over twice as much as I normally drive. But I always do that when I buy a new car, and I usually keep cars for several years so two or three months of high mileage when they are new don't amount to much. Plus this car gets almost 20 mpg more than my V6 Accord did and runs cleaner. So I think what I'm doing is OK. Is that a good rationalization or what?
I'm driving mine a bit more than usual, but that's because I'm travelling to nearby cities to show off the car to family & friends. That'll taper off soon enough..... I use mine for work, about 400 miles/week. Got it to save money on gas and help the environment (not just fossil fuel use, but also far fewer emissions). I've retired my '93 Ford Probe GT, which chugged gas like a SUV. Imagine how much we'd help the environment if everyone in my line of work were to drive a Prius.....
Did you post in the "sleep in your Prius" poll/forum? :blink: Do you sleep while you drive? 700+ per DAY? h34r:
I drive exactly the same mileage as before in my Civic, and do wish I could drive less. But all-in-all, people should beware of not becoming part of the Jevon's Paradox statistics.
I drive a little less now and trying to cut back by combining multiple tasks into one trip. I have made 1 long unecessary trip though. I have also worked some O.T. on the weekends a few times recently (but that made me more money right?). I know I'm saving money from my gas card payment dropping about $100/month (includes not buying Monster Energy drinks on the card).