Re: Notebook vs. Netbook vs. Table I pulled the trigger and ordered an iPad 2, 64GB WiFi. With the recent disaster in Japan, I figured I better get it while the supply is still there. I'm supposed to get it at the end of April. I didn't go for the 3G because my iPhone has 3G Why You Can Probably Skip Buying 3G on an iPad 2 | Gadget Lab |
Re: Notebook vs. Netbook vs. Table nice how much???? good thing costco has like 90 day no question return policy LOL.. xoom is nice but but pricey.. im thinkingto get me a xoom and ipad2 to try them out also
Re: Notebook vs. Netbook vs. Table $589.00. I was going to lunch with a friend. I told him to stop by costco. I bought one, and then he decided to buy one too. After I bought it, they couldn't find them. Took like a half hour to find them in that cage they lock them up in. They got 13 of them in. Management was starting to freak out when they couldn't find them.
Re: Notebook vs. Netbook vs. Table Change comes quickly. The first tablet offering USB, HDMI, and SD-CARD connectors is now available. I was fortunate enough to trade up to one too, the Toshiba Thrive. It rocks, especially watching videos from it on the big TV. Plugging in my mouse and connecting my keyboard via bluetooth, it handles many of my everyday needs surprisingly well... enough to make you wonder how just far tablets will advance in the next few years. With the Android offerings surpassing each other so quickly, the Apple & Windows varieties will really make things interesting. For me, the convenience of being able to review photos & videos while still out & about is a nice new ability. I'll be able to transfer & organize files on-the-fly too. .
Re: Notebook vs. Netbook vs. Table Big deal on that....I have a now "antiquated" Samsung Instinct HD phone with those features. I do load animations on its SD card for showing my portfolio where ever I might be. I haven't ever had a yen to try to find a mini-HDMI cord for it (even though it has mini-HDMI out)...because any HDMI HDTV I'm around has at least one player/computer with USB thumbdrive capabilities. I am intrigued by all the tablets that PC manufacturers are coming out with, though. The ones that seem to have the best capabilities are the Android 3.1 OSs. Galaxy Tab or Toshiba Thrive. Ipad is of course another great choice if it meets your needs. My main problem with it is that I'd be doing a lot of web surfing and would want something that has full Flash support (its brownie points is that it has a lot of popularity and will continue to have many apps). One of the weakest tablets right now seems to be the HP Touchpad: while its display is supposed to be has a WebOS. The review I saw of it stated that it had Amazon Kindle pre-loaded, but it turned out to just be a screen saying "We're working on getting Kindle support". I guess I can always wait, since I get a lot of use out of a small laptop and I do have a small e-ink ebook reader (Kobo WiFi) for reading.
Re: Notebook vs. Netbook vs. Table The SD card and HDMI slots are full size. That's the new trend. Unplug the cord from the Blu-Ray player and stick it in the tablet. Then fire up YouTube or whatever online source of video available. Heck, you can get your nightly news that way now... Daily Show clips, of course. Going straight from camera to tablet is the big deal for me. .
Re: Notebook vs. Netbook vs. Table Yes, but my point was that most HDTVs already have sources with removable media for playing mpeg4s, youtube, whatever on HDTV. Several years ago I built a HTPC with HDMI output. It has close to 1TB HD, so I can store many downloaded HD movies on it, it's my streaming Netflix player, and every once in awhile I'll use it's BD drive for a title that somehow is having problems on my BD player. Other folks have BD players with Netflix streaming, USB thumbs, or SD slots. Since current tablets seem to have configurations running 8-64 GB, I'd rather just collect compressed videos stored for watching directly on them (their resolutions get up to 1024x800....which is slightly less area then 720P). Just saying, my main requisite would be a universal USB driver to be able to sync with my PC, good software support, and large enough to watch movies on a plane or surf the net. I don't think it will be a movie player for a HDTV in most situations. Different strokes for different folks though! I know some people like using the tiny cameras on phones or tablets....I'm a photo buff, so I'd rather go ahead and lugg a DSLR for almost every scenario....I'll then use a card reader on my computer to upload and store.
What about tablets taking advantage of bluetooth ? I'm typing this message on my tablet via bluetooth keyboard while listening to music via bluetooth speakers, all at the same time. It's surprisingly convenient... especially when I need something in the other room and simply carry the speaker along with me. Having a keyboard not always attached directly under the screen is nice too. .