Afternoon folks - Just wanted to keep you updated in case things look different or move around a bit in the next few days. We've decided to move around some of the forums and reorganize a few things so that we won't have so many problems with threads being posted in the wrong forum and hopefully it'll also help with the flow of the site. If you have any questions or further suggestions, please make them. Also, we've added a new moderator to PriusChat - Cybele! As one of our original members she has a great deal of Prius knowledge and will be a lot of help keeping this boisterous crowd under control!
I was trying to think of something witty to say about making "THREAD KILLER" a moderator but can't; so Cybele congratulations on the Upgrade arty:
Cybele: Congratulations! Niced to have a lady on board as a Moderator. Especially one who can out-tech most of us! Best wishes, Bob
Danny, I like the reorg of the forums in the Forum Index. I think it will steer new visitors to PriusChat over to the forums they'd be most interested in. (However, if you haven't made any changes to the forum index yet, and I'm just deluding myself that it's changed, please ignore. ) P.S. Good on Cybele! Your advice and steady demeanor has been a real asset around here -- glad to see you "official"!