[EDIT] UPDATED WITH NEW NAME: SILVER SQUADRON (TO INCLUDE ALL SILVER MODELS) In response to the Blizzard Uprising, I urge my fellow Silver bretheren and sisters to join forces to show everyone why being a Classic is worth it's weight in Silver... Silver Squadron Founding Member EVPrii Join now, and let us know why you love being a Classic! :rockon: (Let's outnumber the rest!)
VERY true. I also don't like any of the color options for the Prii, personally (except for Blizzard, which was not available for what I wanted when I bought mine last week). At least the silver is a Classic color that won't fade or wear much over time. Resale value should be good, too. (I hope)
:thumb: In my case, you got that right. Mine is actually Tyrol silver (UK) although my avatar shows it as covered in a blizzard
Silver is the most likely to oxidize though. I agree it is a great color. Heck, Honda likes the color so much that pretty much every old Honda (1970s to early 80s) I see turned grey/silver no matter what color it started out as. lol My girlfriend's Rav4 is silver and I'm sooo happy because it hides dirt well and means I don't have to wash it as often. It looks better than most of the other colors I see besides black and who the hell wants that maintenance nightmare?
LMAO! Gotta keep an eye on those guys. You can't see em in a snow storm nor can you hear them! Damn factory installed EV button.
Silver does have its advantages...it's lighter and thus more fuel efficient. You just shoot clear coat over the primer, and save the weight of having to apply a base coat....(classic is just another word for old and worn out)
Hyo Silver! Millennium Silver in my case, but it's all good. I kinda like washing my car. But if I don't have to as often, that's alright with me.
I'm in! I thought I wanted blue (which wasn't available when I got mine), but I've seen them parked, all full of pollen. They show everything! The silver stays cooler and is a great color for Florida.
Here is mine, I got it only a couple of days before the earthquake, while prices were still reasonable. I have since gotten the center caps and it looks better. It joins my Camry Hybrid that I have had for 3 years. The Camry averages 34 to 37 mpg on city/hwy driving. My last trip with the Prius yielded 46 mpg.
Count me in the Silver Squadron. I had several friends over last weekend and we were discussing the popularity of our 5 silver cars that were parked in my driveway. Tree Pollen has met its match!
Ha! Yeah, I went to go visit my parents last night, and my mom came outside and noted that there are now three silver cars in the family. Their Camry, my borther's Mazda, and my new Prius! My parents also have a Prius, but it's a light green 2008. Also, the pollen doesn't show on the body, but it does on my tinited windows...