The audio unit (Audio H/U) - radio, where is it located and what is the cost of a new unit? Where can it be repaired besides the dealer - Best Buy? Where can a used replacement be purchased? Are the CD unit and radio seperate?
the HU is the thing with the cd player. I dont think bestbuy can repair it. They could install a new one. If you are getting a new one put in you might as well upgrade to something better.
If yours is broken then just install and aftermarket stereo in the little pocket below the factory stereo.
So, leave the old radio and cd player in the car and install a new radio c/d player below in the pocket?
Yup, like this: To clarify: The CD player and Radio are the same unit. It does not need to be removed from the car to install a new unit as long as you go with the stealth method. Any competent car audio shop can do this install.