Thanks for all the tips, they are all in my Queue. Whoa, look what I found! Cool! Nate
Review of Part I: AWFUL. 65% "human interest" blather. Not even cheesy. Only creative moment: Jefferson't face falling off Mt. Rushmore. Lots of old Weather Channel archive footage of clouds, tornadoes, blowing palms and ( a little better!) airborne mobile homes. Grade: D
I agree: awful. The only reason I watched it was I'm stuck on business-related travel for the next 10 days, and at the motel I like to unwind watching BAD tv and munching on chips. I also think I had better cut WAY back on the chips. Getting a bit of flab ...
Have you ever seen "The Quiet Earth"? It's subtle, and you won't get everything the first time. It's from New Zealand, I think, adapted from a 1985 book by Craig Harrison. Koyaanisqatsi is also one of my favourites, though it probably doesn't fit the 'post-apocalyptic' genre. I thought 12 monkeys was good, too.
Wow... The Quiet Earth... No one I know has ever seen it! Thought I was the only one. Good movie. (Yeah, it's from New Zealand, aka Middle Earth.) Also love 12 Monkeys and everything else from Terry Gilliam (especially Time Bandits, though not a post-apoc flick).
I think TV movies should only list Tom Skerritt when he ISN'T in the cast. He must get an obscene number of royalty checks every month!
Surprisingly, I found it somewhat decent for a made for TV movie....some parts were pretty ridiculous but the best part was: The FEMA Director is totally HOT!!!!!! and if my wife happens upon this thread, I mean "hot" like a friend.
:lol: :lol: :lol: Yeah, in terms of catastrophies, the damage done by her acting ability (as in lack thereof) would actually exceed the Category 7 level.
From Top 10 Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Movies: 1) "Logan's Run" (1976) In a post-apocalyptic future, humans live in a domed city filled with pleasure and prosperity. The catch? Everyone's put to death at age 30. Michael York stars as Logan 5, a "Sandman" whose job is to keep all those anxious 30 year-olds from escaping, until it's his turn to run. Some cheesy special effects date "Logan's Run," but the ethical questions it raises and York's performance are timeless. 2) "The Last Man on Earth" (1964) "The Last Man on Earth" stars horror-legend Vincent Price as the last survivor of a plague who must battle an earth full of vampires to survive. Though the special effects are D-grade (dead bodies are clearly rubber dolls) and the Italian vampires can't act their way out of a paper bag, Price's performance is priceless and the direction is haunting. Based on Richard Matheson's novel "I Am Legend." 3) "The Road Warrior" (1981) Forget "Death Race 2000!" Mel Gibson is the ultimate action hero in "The Road Warrior." Watch as he duels with a bunch of punks and freaks in post-armageddon Australia. You'll never look at rush hour the same way again. 4) "World Without End" (1953) Modern-day astronauts hit a wormhole that sends them back to Earth 500 years in the future, following a nuclear holocaust. The effects are cheesy, the script corny, and even the set design is poor. But the film has an interesting plot, some fantastically dressed future women and genre-king Rod Taylor. Just be sure not to drink soda before the giant spider scene. It'll come right out of your nose. 5) "The Omega Man" (1971) Based on the same novel as "The Last Man on Earth," "The Omega Man" stars Charlton Heston as the last survivor of a vicious plague who must do battle with a race of zombies. Though certain aspects of the plot date this film (the zombie leader is a lot like Charles Manson), it's still a lot of fun. 6) "Planet of the Apes" (1968) No list of post-apocalyptic films would be complete with "Planet of the Apes." Stellar performances from Charlton Heston, Roddy McDowell and Kim Hunter, along with a solid script make this simian cinema a cult classic. 7) "Quiet Earth, The" (1985) A man wakes up to a world where everyone else has died. Why was he spared? For the worst possible reasons, and the end is still not yet to come. A hauntingly tragic film. 8) "On the Beach" (1959) The ultimate in 1950/60s morality sci-fi films. After the bombs have been dropped, Australia is the last to suffer the inevitable slow death by radiation. Knowing Humanity has only a few months until its end, the last few survivors must choose the manner of their death, or sit and wait for sickness to overcome them. 9) "Zardoz" (1974) Sean Connery, a savage man from a post-apocalyptic desert world, stumbles upon a strange technological oasis of immortal humans who've grown incredibly bored with their worthless lives. My favorite line: Connery asks a computer the purpose of flowers. The answer isn't "Reproductive," but simply: "Decorative." 10) "Delicatessen" (1991) Trust the French to come up with this version of Earth after WWIII. Meat is in very short supply at a small town, so when an ex-clown shows up looking for work, he gets a job at the butcher's, little knowing he will soon be inside the counter, not behind it. Unfortunately for everyone's lunch-time plans, our hero (?) falls in love with the butcher's daughter.