Actually, my decision is already made, but I thought people who haven't decided might like to see pictures. According to Rick's Prius Window SPECS, the color, glass type, UV Cut Rate, Solar heat reduction rate, and visible light transmission rates for the upper and lower rear hatch are as follows: Rear Hatch Upper Green Tempered (UV Cut) 89% 47% 74% Rear Hatch Lower Dark Gray Tempered (not UV) 92% 32% 29% I put 35% tint on the upper glass, which should = 26% light transmission. On my 2004, I also tinted the lower glass, which in this case would yield 10% light transmission. I remember the lower glass being darker on my 2004, but not that dark. In any case, I've attached pictures from the outside and the inside. The upper is definitely a little darker and fuzzier. I can't think of any reason to tint the lower portion other than aesthetics. Personally, I don't want to obscure the rear view any more than it is. On an unrelated topic, I'm getting a lot of obscuring reflections on the rear glass as I drive around, as shown in some of the pictures. Comments anyone?
Interesting. I wonder if they changed the slope of the glass oh-so-slightly. The current one does have some reflections but not as bad as the first pic. 35% looks great. I can barely tell the difference inside (which is good for visibility both in the day and at night) and yet outside, it's not too dark.
Slope has alot to do with it. Wait till they get the plastic film on them, it gets worse. Did you or didn't you tint the lower window as well? I'm on the tinting side of the fence w/ mine - just need to figure out which film I want and a good installer to do it.
Has anybody considered the 77% visible (almost no tint) VK75 V-Kool film? They say it rejects UV and a lot of IR (heat) while being almost "clear".
Personally, I'm not a fan of the split hatchback glass design to I plan to tint the lower glass to make the tail look like one piece (especially given mine's black).
Hi all, New here! Got my 2011 Prius II and would like to get tint on all the window except front window. Can anyone recommend a shop near Amherst, MA? Zip code 01002. What is reasonable cost for all window except front using ceramic tint (I am thinking 35% as I don't want to get too dark). I have a black Prius. Thanks in advance!
Can't recommend a shop, but I can say welcome to PriusChat and congrats on your Prius. I'm sure a PCer from your area will recommend a location.
Thanks twittel! My first car is a Jeep Liberty. So you can imagine how we felt about the new Prius. Now my wife will use the Jeep, since she think Prius is 'not so responsive', and my driving style seem to fit Prius more. We drove to Boston the past weekend and get 53-54 mpg (vehicle estimate). I plan to 1. tint the window and 2. somehow find a way to have Prius carry two bicycles. I don't want to spend too much on accessories. Hopefully I can find my answer here in this forum!
I tinted 20% Madico Charcool all around except the lower rear, which we did 50%. Aggregate all around=14.5-15%. It's certainly not too dark during the day and only slightly challenging at night. The back-up camera helps when in reverse. I was almost dead set on going 35% all around as it's the law here in WA, but changed my mind to go 20% after seeing another car w/20% done earlier in the day. I even got to sit inside of it and was surprised at how well the visibility out was. I'm very glad I went with 20%, as it allows the privacy that I want, looks great, and greatly reduces heat/glare, compared to the 35%. I'm now working on getting an Rx from my doctor just in case that I do get pulled over and bothered for having 20%.
I had my rear window tinted 30% on Sunday, as well as my side windows. Front windows are at 60% (a tad below CA law). It's perfect. Not too dark or too light. It's just right... I say, go for it. My visibility has not been altered at all, and the rearview mirror auto-corrects everything for me (so it seems?)
I tinted the 4 side windows, top back window and lower back window all the same shade of tint. 3m color stable "dark" There is a difference in factory tint/shade or whatever you want to call it between the upper and lower rear windows. I left the tint shop without the lower tinted...............less then two blocks away I was making a U-Turn back to the shop to have the lower window tinted. It just didn't look right without the lower window not tinted. I'm talking about the amount of light that was coming in through that window.