I should also note that my current theory about my problem is probably due to my short driving range. I normally drive 10-15 miles to school each day one way, which probably is killing my mileage, no? I rarely ever drive more than 30 miles at at time.
Most of the hills I encounter, with one or two exceptions, are gradual, but steep enough to prevent coasting or stealth mode.. They just seem to eat up my otherwise great mileage very quickly when combined with heavy traffic. The downhills eventually have a traffic light and so instead of coasting, I'm usually regenerating and charging the battery, or using my brakes to come to the most gradual stop I can if I can't time the light. With 18 lights, 2 miles of freeway, and a section that is always 5 mph for a mile on my 11 mile commute it's a real challenge to hit 50 mpg. I have yet to beat 44 mpg coming home and have hit 71 mpg for athe drive to work. Now that I think of it, it's probably just as much the inertia changes of having to accelerate from the number of lights I encounter that require a complete stop. And you know if you're in traffic, you can't just poke along at your own pace without incurring the wrath of the inpatient drivers in back. They're always in a hurry to meet you at the next red light!!!
Date: 4/13/04 Tank miles: 345.5 Overall Miles: 3757 Avg Tank Mileage: 50.9 via CPU Avg Temperature: 60s - 70s Price per Tank: $10.98 Gallons: 6.3 Date: 4-24-04 Tank miles: 400.3 Overall Miles: 4157 Avg Tank Mileage: 50.9 via CPU Avg Temperature: 30s - 70s Price per Tank: $14.92 Gallons: 8.1 (last bar was flashing for ~5 miles) The last seven tanks have been 50+ MPG. I'm sitting at 53+ for this tank with 90 miles so I have my fingers crossed about this tank. My experience is short trips kill the mileage even if it is warm outside.
Date: 4/8/04 Tank Miles: 415 Overall Miles: 2065 Avg Tank Mileage: 50.7 via CPU Average Temps 40's Price per Tank $15.25 Gallons 8.336 Date 4/16/04 Tank Miles: 326 Overall Miles: 2391 Avg Tank Mileage: 52.2 via CPU Averag Temps 50's Price per Tank $11.00 Gallons 6.253 Date 4/27/04 Tank Miles: 419 Overall Miles 2810 Avg Tank Mileage: 57.0 via CPU Avg Temps: 60's Price per Tank $15.25 Gallons 8.202 Up til now the Calculated and Computer mileage have been almost dead on, sometimes to within 2+ decimal places. I generally fill up at the same pump at the same station and go one click past shutoff. BUT, this last fillup took a nearly gallon more than I expected. Dare I hope that my bladder has stretched?
That'd be my guess, Mat. Take the car out on the weekend for a roadtrip - say 50 or 60 miles, maybe you'll see a difference. -m.
Final fillup for April was done last night. Number of tanks of fuel pumped for the month of April: 6 Gallons of fuel pumped for the month of April: 59.3 Miles travelled for the month of April: 3001 Average MPG for April: 50.6 calculated Temps varied between 50 and 85 degrees.
Am stuck at 48MPG. Short trips just kill my average. Have had numerous city trips, in the loop in Chicago, which I had 60+MPG so it does happen. However, since my previous car was an Acura RL, which got maybe 20MPG using premium gas, I'll take high forties all day long. 8)
Here is the summary for my month of April: [ Tank miles: 2098 Overall Miles: 2098 Avg Tank Mileage: (from display) 47.6 Avg Overall Mileage: (from my calculator) 46.2 Avg Temperature: range 50 to 104 Price per Tank: 20 Avg Price per Gallon: 2.159 Fillups: 5 Fuel Cost this month: $99.32 Savings from my previus car: $34.32 I calculated the savings from my 95 Ford Escort, which got 34 mpg.
Tank #2 Tank miles: 438 Overall Miles: 852 Tank Mileage (calulated): 49.2 Tank Milage (diplayed): 46.9 Avg Overall Mileage: 47.2 (calculated) Avg Temperature: mid 50s? Price per Gallon: $1.79 Brian
Tank #1 Miles: 500 Fuel: 9.098 MPG: 56.7 shown 55.0 calc. Tank #2 Miles: 505 Fuel:8.978 MPG: 57.1 shown 56.2 calc. * Mud Flaps installed for last 175 miles dropping shown from 58.3 to 57.1 April Averages Total Miles: 1005 Total Fuel: 18.076 April MPG: 55.6 Average monthly temps were up significantly, probably close to 70 degrees. Oh, and LMPG is up to 47.0 MPG!
I'm on my third tankful since picking up the car on March 30th. The first time I filled it up after the dealer tankful it took 9.5 gallons and gurgled and spit back about half a cup or so of gas after trickling in the final 2 gallons. On my most current fillup, I went 565 miles on 10.5 gallons riding on the final non-blinking square of the gas gauge rendering 53.0 mpg on the MFD. I filled up before the blinking started because by calculating my mileage from the total miles driven it was starting to make me a bit nervous not knowing when the blinking would start and how much reserve would remain. During the final trickling in of fuel, the gurgling started, so I stopped the pump and the gurgling stopped. I then I trickled in a bit more and the gurgling started and again stopped when I stopped the pump. At this point I was at 10.5 gallons and decided to stop filling. As soon as I pulled out the pump handle, the gurgling started up and once again about a half cup of so of gas spurted out of the filler pipe. ukeright: There seems to be a correlation between the pressure backup and release when the pump is removed. BTW, the air temperature was about 65 and dry and mudflaps installed (which ought to have no discernable effect on the fueling process). Date: 4/29/04 Fillup Location: Rockville, MD Tank miles: 565 Overall Miles: 1310 Avg Tank Mileage: (from display) 53.0 Avg Overall Mileage: (from my calculator) 53.78 Avg Temperature: range 50 to 80 Price per Tank: $19.11 Avg Price per Gallon: $1.819 Gallons to Fill: 10.504
every time i add fuel, usually around 375 miles with 3 bars left , the comsumption screen goes back to 0 miles . is this normal? oh and i found a place to get a nose cover for the 2004! it is at www.toyotaparts.com and it is delar out of michican. when i first got it i thought is was the wrong one because it had a pic of the 2003 on the box. well after following the direction ( i actually read them) i got it on. However it is not to user friendly with phrases such "pull back the plastic fender liner and install the spring clip oner the fender tab." this turned out to be the whell well. yet the pic of the three parts needed just shsows the clip the washer and the screw in the proper order but doesn't show what ever that fender tab was supposed to be. a little close investagation and i figured it out" god i hope i don't sound like a " you know your a redneck if..." joke. to me it did seem to be poorly worded. i got this finished tonight and when the sun comes out i'll take pic. back to the subjuct. i am getting about 45 mpg with three trip to the gas station. with 1100 miles. i know it is too early to get any kind of average but if it goes up from here i am a happy prius owner. i usually get a new car every two years so it looks like a 2006 is in my future. thanks guys and gals.
Yes, that's normal for the mileage to rest at fill up. Go ahead and drive until the last bar starts flashing, at that point you'll still have plenty of reserve for anywhere from 50-150 miles of driving. BTW, a little 'netiquet' request, please use proper capitalization and paragraph breaks when you write, it is very difficult to read/follow run-on thoughts and sentences without capitalization as yours was written. Enjoy your Prius, it gets better and better. --evan
My April data - April Average is 47.95 Average temperatures 34 / 55 Total miles 2118 Total fuel 53.8 T Miles Miles Gals MPG Cost Price Date 2745 420.7 8.427 49.92 15.75 1.869 04/02/04 3114 369.1 9.361 39.43 17.50 1.869 04/05/04 3563 448.8 9.346 48.02 16.91 1.809 04/12/04 4025 461.8 9.63 47.95 18.00 1.869 04/19/04 4494 469.2 8.695 53.96 16.25 1.869 04/24/04 4863 369.0 7.623 48.41 14.25 1.869 04/27/04 Lifetime average is 46.3 over 13 tankfulls (10% ethanol) Average fillup is 8.0 gallons. must be the cold weather. My consumption meter has ranged from 5 mpg less to to 3 mpg more than my actual mileage.
Evan, I just had my 2nd tank in a row over 51 mpg. This one was 51.4 and it included a round trip to LAX from San Diego of......55.6 mpg doing 65-70 mph with the AC on! I was even tail gated right out of the single car pool lane on the 405 because I had the nerve to be only going 65-70. That was pretty scarry and I thought the pickup truck was going to ram the back of my car so I didn't to get out of his way...a real loser. I didn't know it was the express lane not car pool lane! I've driven past three fatal accidents in the past month. One was from a guy like this that was doing 100 mph weaving in and out and he clipped the back of another car. The clipped car spun out and caught fire, burning the occupant to death. This morning there was a rolled over van that I'm sure killed a few people too. The aggressiveness on our roads is so much more apparant now that I'm the target of some it by driving a hybrid at or just above the speed limit. Oh, I just edged up to 48.1 mpg overall for about 4750 miles. In another 250 miles I'll be going to Mobil 1 so watch out, lol. 50 overall can't be far to go. Maybe even by the end of summer.
APR MPG AVGs Tank miles: 1951 Overall Miles: 10,119 Avg Tank Mileage: 48.7 Avg Overall Mileage: 47.8 Avg Temperature: 55