Superb mileage! I can start out that high for the first 10-20 miles, but if I fall into old driving habits, back down in the 40s!
Gotcha beat, at least on the miles part! Tank Miles: 542 (!!!) Overall Miles: 3900 Avg Tank Mileage: 50.7 (!!!!) Overall Tank Mileage: 50.4 Avg Temp: 50-60s Previous amount filled - 11.04 with a good cup+ backsplash Current amount filled - 10.000 gallons Price per gallon: $1.79 Believe it or not, the last bar was only flashing the last 11 miles too. I sure do wish they'd fix this gauge - the previous tank, I went close to 100 miles over the 'last bar flashing', and this time it's obvious that I couldn't have gone more than 20 miles at most. Oh well, at least the car went a full week without refueling - something I thought I could never achieve!! If I were getting your mpg efusco, I could probably close in on that 600 mile tank! -m.
-m, Don't get too cocky....I'm sitting at 58.9mpg with 180 miles on the current tank....If I can maintain that for another 400 miles........
haha! Now if I can just figure out your 'secret' for going from getting 50mpg regularly to getting 55+ regularly... -m.
Tank miles: 368 Overall Miles: 2,587 Avg Tank Mileage: 47.2 Avg Overall Mileage: 45.4 Fill Amount: 6.001 gallons (last fill was 7.4 gallons and fewer miles) Avg Temperature: mid-sixties Price per Gallon: 2.15.9 ($12.96 for fill) Price per Mile: 3.5 cents I'm very pleased at this tank. I got a longer range (last tank was 337 miles with the same mileage). 140 miles were on the freeway and the rest was daily commuting and errands. The temps were still very low for this time of year and I'm confident if it warms up here I'll do much better. I was a little disappointed I couldn't put more in the tank. As you can see, by calculation with how much I filled, I got over 61 MPG, so I know that's not right. I just think I wasn't able to fill the tank, either because the nozzle wasn't functioning optimally or my bladder was really tight. I would not be disappointed if I continued to get 375 miles to the tank (or more if my mileage improves), I think that's an excellent range for a car. For the record, the add fuel started blinking about 33 miles before I filled. I just filled because it was convenient, though in the future I think I'm going to try to do it when it's warmer if possible (it was only 53 degrees this morning).
Tank miles: 381 Overall Miles: 414 Avg Tank Mileage: 44.4 Avg Overall Mileage: 44.4 Avg Temperature: Mid 50s?? (35-78 range) Price per Tank: 15.00 Avg Price per Gallon: 1.749 Displayed milage: 46.5 Still had 2 bars left, but was at a convienent place to refill. I refilled 600ft elevation higher than home, so tank 2 is currently displaying 57.6 MPG (mostly hiway) Brian
Date Total miles Tank Miles Comp MPG Gallons Calc MPG Total MPG Price Cost Total Cost 4/12/2004 387 371 45.4 8.8887 41.7 43.5 2.299 $20.43 $20.43 4/15/2004 825 437 49.4 9.628 45.4 44.6 2.159 $20.79 $41.22 4/19/2004 1309 484 48.3 10.192 47.5 45.6 2.159 $22.00 $63.22 _________________ This is not the best formatting, but it is quick. My first three tanks in Southern California. The bold MPG are the computer mpg, the underlined are the per tank calculated mpg and the italics are the total calculated mpg. I use the automatic shut off, lowest pump setting. Mixture of freeway (mostly, between 65 and 70 mph) and surface streets with speeds about 40 mph. I am pleased with the upward trend in calculated mpg, I am hoping to have a long term rate of 49. I usually use A/C, but switch to vent as appropriate. I usually use the cruise control. Temperatures here range from 50s to 80s (at least where I travel). Another goal is to obtain trips of 60 mpg.
Tank miles: 405 Overall Miles: 8289 Avg Tank Mileage: 43 Avg Overall Mileage: 41 Avg Temperature: 74F Price per Tank: 14.85 Avg Price per Gallon: 1.65
Tank miles: 500 Overall Miles: 2029 Avg Tank Mileage: 57 Avg Overall Mileage: 48 Avg Temperature: 54F Price per Tank: 18.74 Avg Price per Gallon: 1.98
My last tank Tank miles: 810.65 refuel 12.39 gallons (2001-13gallons/tank) Overall Miles: 23,705 Avg Tank Mileage: 68.4 mpg (29.1Km/L) by the screen / 65.4 mpg. by calculation with temperatures in the 55 to 88 degree range Avg Overall Mileage: 58.7 mpg by calculation Price per Tank: $43.44 Avg Price per Gallon: $3.50($1=108Yen) _______________________ USK Bordeaux mica 2001 23,705.93 miles / 403.74 gallons = 58.72 mpg 4/22/04
Tank miles: 392 Overall Miles: 1086 Avg Tank Mileage: 44.2 Calculated: 49.1 Avg Overall Mileage: 46.0 Avg Temperature: 55F Price per Tank: 16.05 Avg Price per Gallon: 1.999 Third fillup. I think I should have gotten another gallon in the tank. Only 8.03 gals. with blinking block. Nozzle was way too sensitive at the Chevron station. Thought I'd try Chevron this tank, but paid ten cents more per gallon. We've filled up at ARCO for years.
Evan, way to go. You and I are pretty close on overall but your last tank is great! This is my first one over 50 mpg and I'm sure the warmer weather has a lot to do with it. I'm running 40/38 in the tires and planning on going to Mobil 1 at 5000 miles. I just wish we had less traffic and hills here so I could give you a run for your money!! Still I'm very happy with the 51 mpg. I only went 19 miles past the blinking light too so I might have made 500 miles if I was only brave enough, lol. How about a quick summary of your technique as a review for us all? Tank miles: 447.1 Overall Miles: 4268 Avg Tank Mileage: 51.0 Avg Overall Mileage: 47.8 Avg Temperature: 70 Price per Tank: 19.01 Avg Price per Gallon: 2.169
Bought my Prius yesterday. I recieved it with a full tank (Thank you!) Today, we took a little drive. About 40 miles. Brings the car up to just over 70. Today's milage was 54.8 mpg. I thought that was pretty good. The fuel gage still shows full. I suppose next month, I'll be putting gas in it myself! - stp
Tank Miles: 501mi Overall Miles: 4406 Avg Tank Mileage: 52.4mpg Avg Temp: 60-80's Gals filled: 10.15gals (1st clicked off at 8.7 gals) Cost per gallon: $1.71 -m.
I've got some relatively significant hills here in the Ozark Mountains to deal with myself! Traffic tends to help a lot of the time. I've reviewed my technique else where, but lately the biggest change has been getting into a 'coasting' mode ASAP after reaching or nearly reaching my intended speed. Thus, if the speed limit is 45 I moderately accelerate up to about 44-45mph, take my foot immediately completely off the pedal than very gently put it back down. If there is a slight downhill slope I go into a 'no arrows' or charging arrows state (depending on the steepness of the slope), if it's flat or up hill I go into battery to wheels arrows (when possible). Sometimes the ICE has to kick in, and that's fine, but when I know I have a stop or slower zone coming up I've very careful to avoid the ICE coming back on whenever possible. I use the EV button at the very end of some trips to be sure ICE doesn't come back on unnecessarily...and the very beginning on occasional trips where I know I'll have multiple stops over a short distance before I get into an area I can go steady speeds--this REALLY helps the first 5 minute mileage.
Weird fill-up today. The gas-gauge thing is a bit off. Tank miles: 380 Gallons pumped: 8.67 Price: $2.12 a gallon Overall Miles: 2054 Tank Mileage: 43.8 Display Avg: 53.6 Avg Overall Mileage: 49 tank, 52 display Avg Temperature: high 60's in morning to 102 on the way home today. This is what freaks me out a little: Tank Mileage: 43.8 Display Avg: 53.6 I think the pump has a lot to do with it. I put in 2 more gallons today than usual. The pump clicked off the first time at just over 6 gallons. I removed the hose and inserted it again, turned it on and it pumped over 2 gallons more. I had to stop it because I could hear it gurgling. Fortunately, the gas didn't come spurting out like I have heard happened to other people. I guess the next tank will tell. Jeff
wow...low of 24mpg to high of 61 mpg...however most of the post show around 50 mpg. The low in Albany NY of 24 mpg I don't understand???... what's up????????? Underinflated tires and high speed and excess weight????????
Jkash wrote: When the average varies from the tank to the screen, it is because you can drive for 200 miles at 35 mpg and the average becomes 35, then say you drive really nicely and the average jumps up to 45 mpg. Then fill up at 300 miles. The average tank miles would be about 37.5 or something. What I am trying to say is that, the average is mostly the current. The tank average is the whole tank miles.
I seem to never be able to get up to 45 mpg. I'm currently at 42, and that is only through very careful driving, maximal coasting, never going above 60 mph, briskly but not aggressively accelerating and then using the cruise control once at target speed. I'm in NC, where the temperature lately has been in the 70s and warm. I just don't know what to do differently, I've really tried to maximize my mileage based on the driving tips I've read from John and others. I haven't optimized the synthetic oil or tire pressure, but I feel like I'm very carefully monitoring my driving. I wonder if anyone else has experienced similar frustration. Although, its always difficult to complain when i'm getting 40 mpg at all compared with other non prius cars. And yet, i still feel a little nagging feeling when i recall reading off 43 mpg on my 2001 Prius classic as compared to this current 42 mpg on my 2004 Prius now. I'd hoped to see at least a bump up, not a marginal shift down. I haven't changed my driving style beyond following tips i've seen here and elsewhere.