That is what one of my friends told me last week when I told him that I bought my 2nd Prius. He thinks I have been brainwashed by Toyota. He is a "GM man" who insists that the new Volt is a much better car. We used to sell GM cars together at the same dealership. I am a realist who sees things for what they are which is why I got out of that business..and so did he. I must admit that I am getting into the Prius more and more. I think it is a remarkable car. I have a 2010 barcelona red IV and a 2010 classic silver II (my wife's). I enjoy going to the gas station every week and putting my 6 gallons in after driving over 300 miles. I don't even look at the price of gas anymore. Yes, I drank the koolaid and I am liking it alot. :rockon:
Well, I love my Prius, but maybe the Volt WILL prove to be a better car, at least for those whose needs fit its EV profile...Oh wait, I forgot the 42,000. OK, let me qualify. Maybe it will be a better car for those that fit the EV profile and have sh**t-loads of unused cash lying around. Really though. Define better. I think he would have a hard time demonstrating that the Volt is more practical than the Prius when you figure in cost...
He insists that the Volt has superior technology and it is more of an EV than a Hybrid. Again, I see things for what they are and I feel that the Volt is GM's attempt to develop a practical Hybrid car. I feel that they came up short in this attempt. Also, when I was working at the GM dealership, the 2nd generation just came out. I remember Lutz critisizing the Prius saying that no one wants to buy a Hybrid car because it wasnt practical..So what does GM do? They produce an impractical Hybrid car and call it the Volt. Go Figure
Considering you can purchase 2 Prius 2's for the price of one Volt, is the Volt really the better deal? If you're daily commute exceeds the EV mileage limit of the Volt, then I'd say not! Especially if you are a typical family with two working adults who have to commute to work every day. The 2 Prii would definitely be better overall than 1 Volt! Now if you had money to burn and only one person commuting, then by all means, buy that Volt, and a Hummer for your spouse!
Oh, you mean this little thing: GM: Hybrid compacts don't make economic, environmental sense - Jan. 6, 2004 Thank goodness no one reads the internet and none of the pages are archived. Anyway, congrats on your second Prius!
Wait... Doest that say a Hybrid Truck will be better since it can save more fuel? Didn't i read somewhere on here that the hybrid silverado only gets 1 mpg better than the gas only model?
Volt is a hybrid that Lutz thought Prius was. You know, heavy, expensive, cramp inside, you need to plug it in, weak heater, it will never pay back, etc..
I can't believe you found that article. It's what the GM salesmen were throwing at all the customers. "And Lutz did concede that Toyota has won the public relations battle with the Prius, even if it followed a business strategy he does not endorse." Of course he didn't endorse it. He just let GM go bankrupt rather than follow a successful business stratagy that Toyota had pioneered. AMAZING!!!
you dont get it... GM had DUAL mode Hybrids... they were 2x superior to Toyota's single mode. and oops, i heard they discontinued their dual mode superior technology
Before the gang gets too far off your newbie thread, congrats again on two Prius. Yes, I support Prius plurality. Enjoy the high MPGs, technology, low-emissions and lots of fun.
Thanks Tom. I really like the color of your Prius. Such good taste! and I really like your name!!! Tom
<kool-aid>"Oh yeah!!" Sorry, I just had too Don't forget. It's has to be very, very complex. It had to be more complex than a Malibu.
You didn't read that on, which shows larger differences among several versions of the 2011 Silverado 2WD: Hybrid, 6.0L -- 21 mpg combined Nonhybrids: 5.3L, XFE -- 18 mpg 5.3L, AT-6 -- 17 mpg 6.2L, AT-6 -- 14 mpg The hybrid saves 0.8 gallons per 100 miles compared to the smaller-engined XFE version, the same savings as going from a 36 mpg car to a new Prius. The hybrid saves 2.4 gallons per 100 miles compared to the non-hybrid 6.2L, the same savings as going from a 23 mpg car to a new Prius.
Let me get this straight, you spent close to $60000 for TWO new cars because you are worried about paying $ for gas. The first drink's probably spiked.
It's probably one of those "highway-to-highway" comparisons. That's the standard trick people use to make hybrids look bad. 2011 Silverado gets 23 highway as a hybrid, 22 and 21 as a non-hybrid.
Would you rather that he spent that $60000 (probably closer to 50k) on two new cars that would have come with a future fuel bill of an additional $60000?
That makes no sense. Cost of ownership is more than the cost of the vehicle. Fuel cost is a big one along with cost to insure and maintenance. From a hybrid vehicle, people expect lower emission as well. 2 mode hybrid's emission was actually higher than a non-hybrid when it came out.