Haha, I hadn't thought about that, I may have to request a username change afterwards. It's good to know that this difference in color is a defect. They insisted it wasn't even though it was easy to see. If we don't have much luck pretty soon I may have to change our username to wecantfindaprius ) ah kneeslapper.. These are the cheap rims they tried to force onto us as the buyer, for more money than the msrp cost of the car, which should have included wheels. They told us the "fancy" rims were on the car we wanted, at another dealership. When we showed up today, the car in the showroom that had had the fancy rims on it, now had the cheap-shiny rims on it in the showroom, off of the car we had been planning to buy. So they lied. Yesterday, they had told us that the car we had wanted to buy was at another dealership and already had the fancy rims on it. Today they admitted to taking the rims off the showroom car and putting them onto the car we had been planning on buying. This is an image of the discrepancy in paint color between the trunk and the bumper. It was not the same as the color on the vertical section of the bumper either, so I do not believe the color discrepancy was due to the way the light was hitting it. This looks like more than the difference in metallic paint to me. The trunk looks to be darker and more of a yellow tone than the bumper. The car, which we were supposed to pick up today, in the pictures above, did not even appear to be clean, didn't seem like it had been washed. It was detailed on the inside, by the outside appeared to be dirty, with dirt that you could wipe off onto your fingers. There was a little bit of bee pollen on the front bumper and some weird grime on the driver's side mirror. I've always assumed that they wash the car before they bring it to you? They car also had 75 miles on it, which was noted in the paperwork. I know that all new cars will have some miles on them, however, I don't know how many is considered acceptable? I really appreciate everyone's help here, thank you so much!
That's my sister posting about my parents' trials and tribulations (*waves*). I don't know why she's being shy about calling out the dealership, but I have no problem with it xxxxxxx (apparently they want the papers in hand before blasting them - not that it makes a difference as they have no deposit on the car). I've had my '05 for 112k miles (and going strong) on my stock rims and love it (although I may have to import a + once those launch!) so I couldn't believe the heap of bs they were serving up to my family when they had a perfectly good deal walk through their doors, ready to sign on the dotted line. I don't think they'll have to worry about any of our money darkening their doorstep now or in the future. Oh, and she forgot a tidbit: when they went in today to kill the deal, the showroom car that had the rims "just like their Prius has" mysteriously was sporting stock wheels and their two-tone car had the lowpros. Apparently my mom forced them to admit they had, in fact, switched the wheels off the showroom Prius. Extremely shady practices from a dealer who airs commercials featuring their children and touts their virtues. You might expect this kind of thing from a small used lot or from a badge that isn't moving inventory and is trying to bleed every sale, but from a Toyota lot when product is limited and gas is high? For shame. Just thought you all should know what name to attach to the reputation.
The interesting part of about those cheesy chrome plated wheels is that they look like the chrome plated versions of the 15" stock wheels, w/o the removable plastic cover. The amount of mileage on a new car can be a bit higher if it's been taken out for a bunch of test drives or if it was a dealer trade from another dealer and it was driven instead of shipped. When I bought my 02 Nissan Maxima new, I was looking for a GXE trim (rare for that model year). The dealer did a trade with one in Oregon, so it had to be driven up. The mileage it had wasn't much more than the drive up.
Am I the only one who is seeing the color discrepancy in the color between the trunk and the bumper? I even showed these photos to the people at the dealership and they claimed to see no difference. More-so, they said that if there was a problem with the paint color, it could be fixed under warranty(so long as the company agreed that there WAS something wrong with the paint, which they did not want to admit). They said that if the paint needed to be fixed, it would need to be repainted in JAPAN, that it had to be done at the factory in Japan, and nowhere else.
I do see a minor difference but it's not clear if it's due to lighting as well as the dirt covering some areas but that has been rubbed off in others. As for the bolded part, that sounds like total BS. Body shops can paint and repaint bumper covers or other parts of cars. Someone hit my Prius and it needed a new rear bumper cover which needed to be painted too. A local body shop fixed it. It's was the same body shop my Toyota dealer at the time would send cars to for body work and painting. I've seen many documentaries on many different auto plants and toured 5 of them, including a (the?) Toyota Tsutsumi plant where I saw 2nd gen Priuses on the line, at the time. We didn't get to go into the paint shop of any of them (there are many reasons why) but for cars produced in large quantities, they're not setup to do one-off repainting of individual parts. It'd also make no sense to truck it to a port, send it back on a ship to Japan, get it fixed there, and have it come back again. It's too costly. The lines that the dealer is feeding you, the sleazy switching of wheels, lies, etc. are big red flags to me and are more reason to not do business with them.
thanks for replying. I tried to rub off the dirt to see if that fixed it, but it didn't. It almost looks like the part was dirty when paint was applied, and now the dirt is IN the paint. I noticed it right away and it's more noticeable in person, but the people at the dealership kept insisting that that was normal for the pearl paint and that no true discrepancy existed. As we were rolling out of our parking spot while leaving, this guy that worked at the dealership came running up to us to stop the car, asking us to roll down the window, and was asking us what we decided on the car and didn't we want to come inside and finish the deal right now? It was weird
I see the color difference. It's yellow. Maybe it's radiation. Kidding. I would look for another Blizzard Pearl. I bet you it won't look the same. Good eye,
What we see is hampered by the color fidelity of your camera and our computer displays. Your eyes, looking at the real car, are a much better judge of color match. Even without all this dealer BS, you don't want to buy a known problem and then hope they will agree to fix it. This is a recipe for trouble.
We bought a Prius II last weekend in So Cal. The Costco deal was still good ($400 over invoice), but one dealership told me the Costco deal would be renegotiated to $500 below MSRP. Who knows if he was telling the truth, but if your folks have a Costco card, it's worth a try. Costco will email you names of dealerships that will honor it in your area. That said, it was pouring last weekend, so I shopped completely online and over the phone. We ended up with our local dealer in Santa Clarita who came in $100 under the original Costco deal, threw in 2 years of Toyota Care, and Prius floor mats. We did not buy the extended warranty, but plan to purchase it via this message board for much less than the dealership offered, even after they came down in price 3 times. This board has a wealth of info. Take a few days to read as much as you can and then go in with an Excel spread sheet filled with info from all of the So Cal dealers who will talk to you over the phone. BTW, the Pearl white is usually a bit more $, but not more than $250 more. We love our new ride!
I frickin can't believe no one else here can see the discoloration, or is not admitting it. I can even tell on my iPhone. Really Bret? "Is this really a true story?" Can you not see the pictures? Yes everyone, it's real. Wewantaprius, get over it. Don't buy this car for the millionth time. You want our advice or not. What is it with people...
Wanna-be dude, go read Consumer Reports car buying advice in their April issue. Otherwise you deserve what will happen to you.
why dont you go to another dealer? it is common for some people to notice perceived difference between bumper (which is plastic) and trunk/hood (which are in this case aluminium). those rims look super cheap, just go to another dealer, how hard is that to do in the USA? Not hard at all, they are everywhere!
I am amazed that I have to confirm that this actually happened. It did. You can choose to believe it or choose to ignore it, it doesn't make a difference to me, but it may make a huge difference to future buyers who can fall into the same type of trap, and don't, because they've read this thread. We will not be buying the two tone prius from the corrupt dealer. We're now on the search for another dealer, and an available white 2011 prius IV with the features we want. Buying used is now in the picture, and we are going to look at a used one (at a dealership). We were contacted about this car about an hour ago. If anything, we'll get a good look at how the paint should look on the back. Is there any specific area of this site I should visit to get info on what to look for/what to avoid when buying used from a dealer? I've read the one "horror" story posted here about a man who bought a used prius and had the battery die soon after. We're driving down now and I'm on my iPhone, so it's a bit difficult to search.
Unfortunately there is no master thread for question to ask about buying used. Just make sure it was properly maintained. Check that the tires are in good condition. And don't be giddy and eager just because this other car is better than the last one you saw (2 toned). Don't try to compare this car to the last one. The last one was awful, so get it out of your mind and pretend you never saw it...it's dead to you now!
Ask the dealership to provide you with a CarFax on the used one, that will indicated the number of owners and if it was a fleet vehicle or not (rental car). It should also show any maintenance accomplished by a dealership and if it's been involved in an accident or damaged in another way, such as a flood. If there is any indiction the Title is NOT clear, walk away... If the dealer balks at providing a CarFax, walk away. If it's a reputable dealership, they have already run a CarFax and know about the history of the vehicle, if they are reluctant to show you the CarFax (check the VIN to ensure they match), there is probably a problem with the vehicle. Good luck and hopefully this is a clean, one owner vehicle with a clear title and no problems!
It's a month old, was used as a demo, has 700 miles. Is this good? Bad? Anyone? warrantied on the battery for 10 years/150,000 miles. No price quote yet. Should a demo have carfax? Ps: it is all one color It has some scratches on the inside.(dash/by cupholder/2" scratch by upper cupholder). I've asked them to try to buff them out before we go any further with looking at the car.
A low mileage Demo is fine, I have purchased many over the years. Normally a Demo is driven by a manager within the dealership, so if there is a problem, it's normally taken care of right away because the car is at the dealership during the day. With a Demo, you have someone else who has already worked out the bugs and generally it will save you some money to boot! It will be registered to you as a new car, with you being the first titled driver, so it's also eligible for all new car incentives as well. A Demo probably won't have a CarFax because it's not yet been titled... That dash is, unfortunately, very susceptible to scratches, so if the price is fair, I would not worry to much as they'll end up there eventually anyway! Use this as a bargaining chip to reduce the price of the car!
It's actually a she. Confessions of a Car Salesman — Edmunds.com is long but might be worth a read when she has the time. The 10 year/150K mile HV battery warranty applies whether car is new or used so long as it was bought, registered and operated in CA or a CARB state. Obviously, w/a used car, the time and mileage clock started ticking awhile ago. Ok, now that used is in the picture, I can tell you that you've added a a bunch more complexity. The selection will potentially be limited and now you have extra variables like the condition, age and mileage of each car vs. their equipment levels besides not knowing what the dealer paid for the car and how much profit they're making. (Well the age range isn't that huge for a 3rd gen Prius...) I've helped people shop for used cars before and we got all sorts of interesting stories/lies. One dealer kept claiming that they'd be selling the used car they bought at an auction to us at a loss... right.