Haven't checked in for a couple of months, but this reminded me of some of the discussions I used to see here. I'm no scientist, so I have neither an opinion nor a clue. http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/story/0,...1627424,00.html
One of the first things I learned in Science class is that it's the role of the scientist to disprove all other scientists. I can understand how scientists would cling to their existing models of flat Earth, the sky being the inside of an orb, the Earth being the center of the Universe, and all those fun things. In the end, however, it is the duty of the Scientific Method to test and retest those very theories and laws in the hopes of being able to disprove them. Like the guy from Greenpeace said, "if he's wrong, he'll be proven wrong, but if he's right, all else falls away."
I really hope this is not just another "cold fusion". Just goes to show that the future is entirely unpredictable. I expect Toyota will start working on an anti-quantum energy drive vehicle soon.
Typical hoax strategy: announce a breakthrough via the general media instead of scientific journals and state how it will be ready for public examination soon. ("And he claims to be just months away from unveiling his creation.") This fusion seems pretty cold to me.
Agreed. However, what he purports to violate is actually one of the simplest problems in quantum mechanics (well, a particle in an infinite box is the simplest). The wave function of the hydrogen atom can be calculated analytically in a straight-forward fashion (every sophomore or junior physics undergraduate has to do it for homework). To violate that and somehow propose an alternate energy state for the hydrogen atom is rather easy to test. Unlike cold fusion or other forms of hype, which can hide behind the complexities of the argument or the experiemental process to prove it out, this one is about the simplest real-life test you can imagine.
If you really could create all of this energy from changing the state of a hydrogen atom, what is to prevent if from sucking up the same amount of energy when it reverts to is normal state. In fact something like this would violate the second law of therodynamics which is not dependant upon quantum mechanics.
Here's a thought. If this were a preferred state for Hydrogen, we'd already have seen it. So, if it's not a preferred state, then it would want to return to its more conventional state. To do so, it would have to reabsorb at least as much energy as it gave off earlier. This could cause devastating Global Chilling! Remember, you heard it here first folks!
It seems to me that this would be the base state anyway because it's the lowest energy state, right? <_< Well, at least it's a lower energy state than the normal state we see right? Basically the claim is that the single electron is in a lower energy state in this new "model". In that case we would already be observing hydrogen in this state most of the time. At least that seems like what would happen if this were true.
You should be able to find it worked out in any elementry book on quantum mechanics. You many need a background in calculas and know what an operator is to make any sense of it. Basically it gives the allowable energy levels for a single hydrogen atom which is unaffected by external forces and uses integers to predict the energy transition as the electron occupies different levels.
It does seem like there are more than a few unresolved issues here. Thermodymamics would dictate that "all systems tend towards minimum energy and maximum randomness". The question arises as to not only what the "normal state" is but how do they change the position of the electron to get it to release its energy. The systems I remember studying required energy to excite the electron to higher state and then energy was recaptured when the electron returned to its "normal" state. B)
Didn't we do this yesterday ? Same article, http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=12226&hl=# I offered a newslink on post #16 http://www.zpenergy.com/
Yes, it looks like I scooped this story/link by about 36 minutes (if you are to believe the PriusChat Universal Time Coordinates). You just can’t expect everyone to know everything that has ever been posted in every PriusChat forum. Hell, some people don’t even bother to read through a thread before posting their own insightful and very original thoughts . . . which someone else had already posted days before. Now if only there were a “Power Generation†or “Windmill†Forum, we could alleviate this particular duplication problem from ever happening again . . . maybe.