Just talked to my local dealership about customizing my features. All I wanted was the backup alarm changed to 1 beep and the door locking feature changed. You guessed it. They want $49.95 to hook up the computer to do it. Of course it may be that I bought it through AAA, but they didn't even bother to ask where I got it. I have a call in to my AAA rep to see if he can help me out. Just can't wait until I need warrenty service.
That's when they did mine ... I had a list. They were glad to do it, and were kinda impressed that I even knew to request it. REV
Bought it last Friday 18 Mar 11. I'll just wait and see what my AAA rep has to say about. He was out of the office this afternoon so I expect to here from him tomorrow sometime.
ugh Some dealerships just don't know. If your salesperson has a relationship with their service folks, this can be done pretty easily for free, but some dealerships have a policy to make sure their Prius techs are properly paid. When I first got back here to Carson, the first time I wanted a back up beep eliminated I too got the "get a due bill" speech, but I went to the service manager and explained my cause. I no longer have that problem, because we have a relationship now about this issue. Maybe your salesperson needs to get involved. If one of my buyers came in later, after purchase, expected to drive right into service and have work done, because this is "work" the service folks would also probably give them a price for this too. But, if they spoke to ME, it would be different. You state: "Just talked to my dealership..." as if it were a building... did you speak with a specific person there?
I talked to my AAA rep today and he talked to the local Toyota dealer but got no ware with them. He dose have a working relationship with a dealer in the Phoenix area, so if I get down there (95 miles away) in the future I'll be able to get it done for free. Might be worth it with the nice gas milage I'm getting now. I will also go by the local dealership and chat with the service manager next week. Its really sad that you can't change simple items on your own. If you need a back up beeper to tell you the vehicle is in reverse, maybe you shouldn't be driving.
When you get it sorted why not go back to the original dealers and tell them exactly what you think of them, preferably on a really busy day
The customization should have been discussed before the papers were signed. However, explaining the situation to your salesman and/or the sales manager should have gotten you into the service dept free. If not, slam 'em on the customer satisfaction survey. If it costs someone some money later they might start caring & clean up their act.
I mentioned the backup beep issue with my sales lady. She said the beep could be turned off on the nav screen. Is this the case? Thanks...
The BEEP sound that the NAV screen makes when you touch it can be turned off with that screen. The rear/reverse beep takes a tech and a special computer hook up. Perhaps she misunderstood which beep you meant. Signed, the Road Runner and Wile E Coyote Beep Beep!