I have looked at the other posts, and they seem to refer to clicking in the dash while in motion. I hear clicking in the dash only while stopped (at a light, with the car running in normal driving.) As I slow, I start to hear relays clicking away behind the dash, a sort of constant clicking away in a random sequence, until I start moving again, and then it either stops or is drowned out by road noise. Any thoughts? Anyone want to smack me on the forehead for not reading the normal sounds section of the owners manual?
How loud are they? I know mine makes some clicks and noise when the ABS or traction control kicks in. Is it still wet, snowy or icy where you are?
My wife drives a generation one Prius with 105K miles on it. I drive it about once a month to put gas in it. I noticed a "clicking" noise from the dash board that has the rythym of a directional signal. It occurs when the car in on, running or not. I have played with the A/C & heat and that does not seem to have any effect on the problem. Are our clicks one in the same???? anyone have any ideas? the car seems to run and perform fine otherwise. Thanks! Mrmose
I have a clicking coming from the right front hub when I hit the brakes... it's only at the tail end of the braking sequence as well.
It sounds like normal Prius sounds to me, mine makes some soft clicks when the brake is applied or released. I was just thinking this morning while driving with my audio off how much I enjoy all the clicks, whirls, hums, and buzzes my Prius makes. Check that section in your manual and then if you have one watch the DVD that may have come with your car. The Prius noises are covered well in both places the DVD is cool because it plays them amplified and then tells you what it is. I also just heard my traction battery cooling fan for the first time the other day.
The description of it sounding like an old windshield wiper relay is spot on. I didn't notice this sound until a few months ago and I still can't confirm what the cause is. Also - I'm working on a P1121 code that popped up last week, but they appear to be unrelated.