Any suggestions on a good dash mount for the iPhone 4? Not really eager to block any of the window, but can't find anything that doesn't look awful.
Newbie my prius a couple days ago......what's the advantage of having your phone on the dash?
It's "safer" than having it in your cargo pants/hand bag/knapsack? 'Certainly more convenient... or can you dial, do everything from the steering wheel... Bill asks lamely... as a lurker having no Prius.
Everyone has a camera on their phone. I always wonder why people do not post more pics and videos in the forums.
There are lots of threads on this. Do a search. Personally, I am biased toward the Pro-Fit line of mounts. I use the one which attaches to the passengers side of the console, at about the cup holder level. It doesn't require any holes and can be removed at any time. I also used the adjustable holder which permits me to slide my I-phone4 in even with the goofy rubber case Apple gave me to avoid the dreaded antenna grounding. It works fine. Doesn't seem to bother my wife at all (and she is not shy), and permits the phone to swivel horizontally so I can use the Navigon (if I feel like it) while charging since the mount allows the charger to pass through the base. I think it is a very nice solution, but my daughter prefers to have her I-phone in the tray in the console, which with bluetooth is just as good as long as you don't have to see the screen. Different strokes for different folks. Here is the pro-fit website: Pro.Fit International - Mounting solutions for Cell Phones, iPhones and GPS
+1 for Profit clips. They are expensive but IMO the best available. Here are some pictures of a "left mount" clip with a Kensington holder. I used a dock extension cable to connect to aux input and power in the center console. The installation is easy to reach and see but does not block any important view and is completely out of the way. The adjustable holder easily accommodates any phone case.
I do this as well. I can still see the screen if I look over at it real quick to see who is calling me. I have bluetooth set up in my Prius, so I just hit the button on the steering wheel and go...
For my iPhone 3GS I use a ProClip mount (they make one for the iPhone 4 too). Mounted next to the shifter, it makes it easy to connect and hide the cord when not connected.
Just thought I'd bump this topic with some info for the good of the forum users: There is a seller on eBay, by the name of crogs571, who is a Proclip reseller. If you message him, he can get any Proclip available. He gives 10% off Proclip's prices if you purchase through eBay and 15% if you go directly through Paypal. I went with the direct through Paypal option, sent the payment Sunday and got the tracking number Tuesday night. Try not to overwhelm him, since he is just one person and that may end up making his response times deteriorate. Overall, he's been a pleasure to do business with and I'm glad I found him. I figured it was worth a mention to those in the market for a Proclip.
Jsharpe - this is something that I think would work well for me - can you post instructions on how to route power and aux up to that? I would need USB power (my phone takes a usb mini cord and seperate aux jack).
It's pretty simple but you'll need fairly long cables. Everything is hidden except for where it exits to connect to the phone so using two separate cables shouldn't be an issue and you can use some nice looking cable cover for the last foot or so. Because this is for an iPhone I used a standard usb cable with a iPhone dock extension which carries both audio and power. By enlarging the rear driver side bolt hole under the felt in the bottom of the center console bin you can route the cable down under the console and behind the plastic on the side of the bottom front part of the console (where the lower tray is). From there you can easily route it up and behind dash and out above the steering column. You should be able to do all this without removing anything other than the bolt mentioned above although it might be easier to remove additional bolts in the console. With an even longer cable(s) you could probably bring them out on the left side of the dash, but that would take a lot more work and you would still have some visible cable. By coming out over the steering column, when not in use you can tuck the cable back where it's not visible.
I like the low tech. approach where nothing has to be fastened or adherent to the interior, no tax and free shipping to boot.
If you want a zero cost, zero modification solution, you can (gently) wedge the iphone (landscape-wise) in the space right in front of the multi-information display. (Works best with case/bumper that is slightly rubberized, so maybe it isn't zero cost.) Naturally, it will block the MID, but can you really monitor navigation info and fuel consumption simultaneously, especially while driving in unfamiliar territory? If you have a bluetooth audio system, you can even stream the audio through the HU without wires draping across the dashboard. However, nav apps eat up the iPhone battery, so you might want to use USB power for longer drives. (I have the JBL navigation system, and it sucks so badly that I end up using the MotionX Drive app on iPhone.)
I can't tell how this is attached, relative to the A-pillar trim underneath where it mounts. Is there a chance it would interfere with the way the A-pillar trim has to partly release at the top for the side curtain airbag to deploy? Looks sharp, I just wouldn't want it to compromise your safety!
i have this set up and want to make the speaker phone work through the car speakers do you know if I can do this? with a cable?