Automotive dealers are reporting a heightened frenzy over the Toyota Prius BACK SEAT DRIVING— Automotive dealers are reporting a heightened frenzy over the Toyota Prius and a few other select Japanese models because of a possible supply chain shortage stemming from recent events in Japan. A majority of these dealers have reduced or cut their incentives on any deals for the vehicle. Consumers selling and transferring their Prius leases are also aware of the supply chain issues and have cut incentives to interested buyers... IN THE WAKE OF THE QUAKE, PRIUS BECOMES PRECIOUS COMMODITY | LA Car
What a frenzy... quote: But don't be fooled if a dealer tries to use this to justify a higher price. Toyota is already gearing up to restart its Japanese production lines, beginning this week with production of parts. The plants that supply the Prius's batteries and assemble the cars weren't damaged by the quake, a company spokesman says. Prius Pinch? Only for the Impatient -
And you believed Toyota's PR? Hows so? Oh, my poor little tpfun. Toyota's PR is scam! They want you to believe that they can handle the quake-tsunami-volcano eruption lethal smoke-swine flu disease-radioactive contamination situation quite effectively and efficiently. How uncomfortable for you, isn't it? Now hurry up, and buy a prius before prices skyrocketing.
Here in the O.C. So Cal, where regular gas is going for over $4/gallon sales ARE heating up. Yes ... ignorant buyers who shouldn't have bought that discount land barge in the first place (when gas temporarily dropped), are looking to avoid $100 fill-ups. Factor that dumbness, with possible parts shortages, and ya never know how things will go.
I got a glance at piercey Toyota who had 35+ Pri's at any time in January, heck, even a month ago.... I only saw several. Fremont Toyota had about 50+ Prius' in Jan. They looked to have less than 25 yesterday.
This is completely unrelated, but I had to make my own advertisement from the picture above. It's my favorite past time.
Five weeks ago, my Toyota dealer had 0 Prii. Four weeks ago, they got in one, and we bought it. They got in 6, sold 4. Now they have almost 20 coming in within 10 days. No shortage here at the moment, apparently.
yep... problem is that those cars will start coming only july/august... so june will be tight with inventory.. probably 2 next months as well
Just looked at the web site of the dealer I purchased my 2010 from. They have used 2010 Prius I's (fleet cars) with 33k+ miles on them priced in the upper $20K's. I pity the fool who pays that much. Wow.
I stopped by Tustin Toyota last week. They had two new Priuses on the lot. With dealer markup, they were $34K and $35K. Take your pick. Interestingly, I still see people with new Priuses on the street (rare, but it exists). I know that those people paid a lot for their new Prius. Hill mentioned $100 fill ups for SUV owners. I've seen a lot of $90 prices on the gas pump screens from the people before me, but a few days ago I literally saw "$100.00" on the screen. Wow. I'm glad I don't own that SUV!