My town has recently replaced some of the 30 year old street lights with new low light pollution cut off style street lights in my area. Apart from being brighter on the road they also make the area appear darker and you can see many more stars on a night - so much so that I'm tempted to finally get a telescope. All well and good but we have also recently noticed an increase in birds (and noteably bird song). Are the two connected? It is quite a contrast to the last 5 years we've been at this property where we did notice a lack of birds. There must be an environmentally aware member on this forum who could confirm if this is just a coincidence.
that's an interesting observation, cabby. Hopefully someone can chime in on this. I'm really curious about it... and would love to visit ol' Blighty. Got get to St James Park sometime sooner rather than later. Would love to compete in some of the games up in Scotland while I'm there.
Ive noticed recently that hundreds of birds will perch on certain light poles ,even when there are trees nearby. The trees will be empty of birds. Maybe your new lights are better for perching than the old poles.
Nope, the poles are only a couple feet higher than the old ones but the birds don't land or sleep on them and there are no overhead wires (the same as the old ones). The old ones were the old fashioned low pressure sodium lights and were unsheilded so cast an orange glow in all directions. The park areas around the houses were all lit up from the light pollution, where now they are dark and I was wondering if that might have been the reason?
Yes, light pollution is thought to ill affect wildlife. Supposedly, it affects birds sleep, and even their mating patterns. It is also thought to affect migration. Chicago has enacted a lights out policy on tall buildings during bird migration months as the birds would get disoriented from the lights and crash. Light pollution may also affect fireflies by impeding their ability to communicate with each other with the light flashes for mating. It's much nicer to see the stars than an incandescent!
I am not sure about birds, but if you have some unwanted wild animal in your attic (garage, home, whatever), it is best to illuminate the area at night in order to get them to leave. So having bright lights near trees is probably driving them elsewhere.
National Geographic has a special issue regarding light pollution from November 2008. It is called "Our Vanishing Night" It explains everything about how it affects birds, insects and bats. Here:Light Pollution
I agree with SSimon and will add that some birds actually benefit from the artificial lighting. The lights attract insects and fish into a smaller area which makes feeding easier. In areas with a lot of artificial light this benefit may be reduced but you get the idea. Into general I believe it is more harmful thanks beneficial. I've not read any specific studies on the subject though.
Heres a theory. Orange sodium lights dont attract bugs. The new lights attract bugs. Songbirds like to eat bugs.
Ive got too much time on my hands today. British Garden Birds - Starling "In the winter, the starlings roost at night either in the city centre or in woodlands. Between 9.00 AM and 10.00 AM, a murmuration of starlings will descend on our suburban gardens looking for food and then again just before dusk, "
I would be interested to hear what Grumpy thinks of Starlings. It's all a matter of perspective if providing "good habitat" for this bid is a good thing.
I live on the edge of town with views overlooking fields on one side of the house and a 1980's housing estate on the other. There are lots of parks, green spaces and play parks between the streets with lots of trees. The old street lamps were dreadful orange sodium ones with the light tubes in vertical position and would glare out all over the area. You could see an orange glow in the sky above the estate as you drove towards it and absolutely everywhere was lit up. The birds are pretty much all UK garden birds, black birds, thrushes, starlings, wood pigeons and some magpies. However, before the new street lights I only ever remember the magpies and bird song was absent. Now it is loud and continuous and a number of people locally have commented on it. I just guessed it was due to the new street lamps hence the thread. I was thinking that the green spaces are now completely dark at night now and a safe place for birds to nest, rather than being a bright orange. If you look on google earth on the Earth City Lights you'll see a bright blob in the center of the UK and a darker part above it. I live just on the border of the two. The town I live in is replacing their entire stock of street lamps with the new lower light pollution ones and if more birds is a byproduct then great. Hmmm saying that I have noticed that my car has been crapped on more lately!
You could also get a subscription to Sky and Telescope where they have some light pollution experts/activists ( You could email someone there.
Other light pollution resources may be found at International Dark Sky Organization and Dark Sky Society.