New to chat site. Just got new 2011 Prius Four. Has there been any consensus on whether or not a shark fin antenna would work with a 2011 with the solar option? My picture shows some space between the regular antenna base and the solar panel but maybe the shark fin's "foot print" might extend over onto the panel?
Visual Garage now has a sharkfin that will fit your Prius. Mine is the exact model as yours. The first antenna that I ordered would not fit the 2011 sunroof without some "caulking" to insure water tightness. However, they were quick to send me their new model and it works just fine.
Don't know, but I have to ask you about your solar roof. Is it efficient in cooling the car. I am moving to Florida, and will be purchasing a 2011 Prius 4. I have to understand if the solar panels will cool the car better, or should I get a hard top without the sunroof--the insulation in the roof being better at keeping the car cool. Please advise
We are so new to the car, we are just figuring out what's what. So, I can't say yet, although we are hopeful that it keeps the interior temps down within reason living here under the Hawaiian sun. Too early for us to know. Sorry. When I know more, I'll try to remember to come back and respond.
Solar Fan It does a reasonably good job of keeping the outside and inside temp the same. Just remember to turn it on. I have a 2011 with that option.
Also agree it does a good job of keeping it "cool". Just understand that "cool" is the same as the outside temp, and that is very noticeable - on a very hot day, easily 30 degrees cooler than otherwise.
For the life of me I can't figure out why people like those things. I think the standard antenna is FAR better looking than those ugly humps. No offense to ugly hump likers ! Maybe it's the name .... 'SHARK FIN' ..... oooohhhhh aaaaahhhhh da dum .... da dum ...da dum ...... SHAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRKKKKKKKKK. Leave it as it is .... save yourself a lot of time and trouble, to say nothing of money ... nobody notices EITHER antenna anyway .... except those who already HAVE the 'SHARK FIN' .... LOL. REV
You have just described my sharfin!! Thanks. BTW, I hope you have the ability to understand my "in the eye of the beholder" satire. If not, you won't get this one either.