Well first off, thank you for all the opinions and perspectives. I do appreciate everyone's honesty, candor and passion. Why did I even put $500 down on a deposit.... --I did test drive the 05 Prius and was satisified with its performance or as much as you can determine in a 10 minute test drive. --I do like the versatility of a hatchback though it is not a requirement --The Prius has a relatively roomy interior for a car it's size --The car does have a high "cool" factor to it --It was in the price range( upper end) that I am considering --I've had good experiences with Toyota's in the past --I live in California which is now allowing the Prius in the HOV lanes (assuming I can still get a sticker by the time 06 comes around) --I liked the 3k tax credit available in 06 though I'm not sure if I will be elligible due to alternative minimum tax (a problem for some of us California residents) --I'm a new car person and have not had good success with buying used cars I wanted to put a placeholder on the 06 waiting list while I really dived into researching other cars in the same price range. My current cars range in gas mileage from 15 MPG to 22 MPG so I definitely want something that provides better gas mileage. I always discount the sticker MPG by 10% as I've yet to get as good mileage as what is written (probably more my driving style than anything else). I think the point that was made in the replies that you cannot cost justify the Prius on gas savings alone is very true. You have to be buying it for more than just good gas mileage. I have the time to do some serious comparison shopping including looking at the Honda Hybrid and some other Toyotas. You the price of a Prius, you can be looking at a nicely equipped Accord, Camry or even an Avalon( assuming some good dealing making skills). Also, based on everyone's comments about performance and features, I should rent a Prius for a weekend and try it on for size. Again, appreciate everyone's replies. thanks SloopG
Cost effective? I earn 60 mpg (16k mi on odometer) - a significant savings. Prius is PZEV - paying it forward on air quality compared to most vehicles. Service interval at 5000 mi - the ICE only runs one-half the time, so less wear and self service on oil changes is quick and easy. Coasting and braking is regenerative - I get to reclaim a portion of what I'm spending in fuel. The only vehicle that is more cost effective than my Prius is my Trek 5200 bicycle.
"An example would be the complexities of the smart key". I'm sorry, but if after about 5 minutes you find the smart key too complex then you are probably challenged by using a cell phone. When I get into my other car - (a Tercel with 150,000 miles and running like new) - I actually resent having to put the key in the ignition. "How primitive", I think. The Prius is a beautiful piece of technology and a tribute to man's intelligence. Now, if they could just make the seats a little softer ---
I do not know, but I always know if my car is off or not. What's so challenging about that? And how hard is it to press the Power button, much easier then stick your key in the ignition and turn the key.
You need to separate the average driver from some of us that are exploring the boundaries of this new technology. Some people like a stiffer suspension than others. Some people are in to sound systems and tear out the factory one. Every one that drives my car remarks “it just drives like a regular carâ€. The Toyota engineers have gone to a lot of trouble to make that happen, much to the dismay of some of the hyper milers who find the auto creep at low speed and auto regenerative breaking a pain. Those features however are the ones that make it “like a regular car†So just drive it. Sure you are not going to get the MPG that some do but that does not mean your miles will be in the toilet On the other had you may want to join one of the fringe groups around here. Four people around Pittsburgh got 110 MPG for one tank. Gives all something to shoot for even if we don’t make it on a day to day basis.
I rented one for 2 weeks and saw what it was like on day-to-day driving and a trip into the mountains. The only problem was the one I rented was a base model and I ended up getting a #6. :lol: The SKS wasn't on the base model so I did have to get used to it. It didn't take long and I really like it.
As said above, if dollars are your main driving force, buy cheaper. If low emissions and supporting an up and coming technology are driving your decision then Prius may well be the way to go. Either way, buyer's remorse may haunt you for a while, so don't let it get in the way.
If you read most auto manuals, the intervals are much higher than dealers or quick oil change places would have you believe. My Jeep was recommended at every 6000 miles. So actually, I'll be changing it more frequently in my Prius :blink:
I'm still trying to learn how to post!!!!!!!! I had the same concerns about costs but my final decision on whether to buy a Prius or not was easy once I choose between these two options: Will my emotional health be better by buying a Camry for one time money savings and visiting the gas station twice as often or paying more for a Prius and feeling good every time I gas up because I know I've got one of the best gas-misers on the road? I'm on a list for a Prius in Jan/06
I enjoyed the prior response in particular... Monthly gas savings at the pump... $60 Emotional health driving 500 miles on one tank.... priceless javascript:emoticon('B)') smilie Nice point!!! SloopG
We (my wife & I) bought it to support the hybrid technology. We think it's important that car makers see the profit in building hybrids and we were willing to pay something for that. In return, we get an incredibly safe, reliable car that uses gas by the teaspoon. Karl