First time driver

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by easterlingman, Nov 7, 2005.

  1. easterlingman

    easterlingman New Member

    Sep 10, 2005
    Hi everyone! I've been lurking for a while and following Prius news for the past six months ago - in that time I've come to see how high a value the Prius holds and how satisfied you guys are with your cars. The only thing is that I'm a first time driver; this will be my first car purchase. Is there anything I should watch out for, or perhaps should I decide on a different car for my first? Any tips or clues would be appreciated, as I am absolutely clueless.

    Thanks :)
  2. wrprice

    wrprice Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Houston, TX
    2016 Prius
    Four Touring
    By "first time driver," you mean this will be your first new car -- not that you don't have experience behind the wheel, correct? While it's a fine car either way, I wouldn't want to drive such a nice vehicle if I wasn't absolutely certain that I wouldn't accidentally bang it up. But I'll assume that's not the case. :)

    It's a worry-free car as long as you do the scheduled service and don't let your gas tank run too low. I can certainly think of worse vehicles to purchase. If it fits your budget and you like the look of the car and you're willing to pay for the options in one of the various packages... and you're going to get a new car anyway... a Prius would be a great choice. It also doesn't hurt, knowing that cheap gas is long gone.
  3. BrianTheDog

    BrianTheDog New Member

    Oct 31, 2005
    Northeast Alabama
    Your first car ever? As in, you haven't driven a car before? Or just never owned one? Are you just getting your driver's license?

    This is my first new car purchase. Always had "new to me" cars before. I've driven new cars... ones belonging to family & friends... and I always thought they were nice (and sometimes cool) cars. But I've never felt I had to have one. Not until this car.

    The Prius is a very different kind of car. There's definitely a learning curve. But it's no harder than learning a stick-shift. If you've never driven a car before, you may want to learn by driving an engine-only car first, then try out the hybrid. That is, unless you know someone with a Prius who's willing to teach you the car. I would definitely not want someone teaching me how to drive in a Prius if they'd never driven one themselves.
  4. Bill Merchant

    Bill Merchant absit invidia

    May 3, 2005
    USA | Oregon | Portland area | 97004 |
    2007 Prius
    The only downside to having a Prius as your first car is that you'll be spoiled for life.

    When you drive other cars, all that vibration and noise sitting at the stoplight will seem so primitive. You might even, gasp, be a law-abiding driver who only drives the speed limit and isn't filled with road-rage. Other cars feel so mechanical when you hear the engine rev and feel the gears shift, even in a smooth automatic.

    If you can afford a Prius as your first car, you should get one!

    Welcome to PriusChat! I hope you get one and stick around!
  5. Jack 06

    Jack 06 New Member

    Oct 13, 2005
    Winters, CA: Prius capital of US. 30 miles W of S
    Welcome! You couldn't make a smarter choice.

    There are tons of info, including driving tips to maximize MPG, quirks of the car, things people love (or don't like so much) about the Prius, etc.---from several different sources. If you've been lurking a long time, you probably know that, at least some of it.

    A good place to start is the website of john1701a, a Minnesotan who's a member here as well as of other Prius groups. He has a wide-ranging info sheet you can download, or you can just read at the site. Someone will probably post a link to it here for you---I can't seem to find it! Or you can look up john in our members' list and PM him.
  6. aka007ii

    aka007ii New Member

    Aug 27, 2005
    Santa Clarita, CA
    You might want to get a cheap beater car for the 1st one. I say that because I trashed my first car. I was young and stupid. I removed the springs and a few times even the rubber stoppers to get the car so low to the ground it would hit the freeway lane markers. I removed all emblems, 4 door handles, side moldings and side marker lights. Then I cut a big hole in the roof and installed a rag top. I painted and reupholstered the interior. It did last me 7 years (because it was a Honda) and I got $500 trade in. The poor sales guy had to drive it 30 miles back to the dealer with a cracked radiator and it over-heated on the way. I warned him how to drive it carfuly. :lol: