Remember the havoc the last Apple OS caused? Well, there is a new iPod/iPhone OS update out today. Who's gonna be the 1st to try it?
Ummm... iOS 4.3 became available for download on 3/9/11. I held off installing it for a little while but did so a few days ago on my iPhone 4 and it's been working fine w/o a hitch. What "havoc" are you talking about? The only significant recent "havoc" that I can remember was the almost universal complaints that iOS 4 was very slow on the iPhone 3G but 4.0 was released in June 2010.
I always wait a day or three before any major upgrading just in case there are any huge bugs. I just downloaded the latest IOS a couple of days ago, no problems.
The "Havoc" was with OS 4.1 ... Here is begining of the PriusChat forum thread: -->
I see. Maybe, that's why you posted in a Prius area... I looked at your original post and flagged it since it had nothing to do w/Priuses. iOS 4.0's poor performance on iPhone 3G was a very widely known problem and I'd known of people at my former work who were VERY unhappy with it. It was all over the press too (, for example). I have a Gen 2, so no USB on mine. :/ BTW, if you look at [ame=""]iOS version history - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame], you'll notice that the prior release of iOS prior to 4.3 for non-CDMA (Verizon) iPhones was 4.2.1.
BTW, iOS 4.3.1 came out on 3/25/11. See iOS 4.3.1 is now available for the changes. I've downloaded it but am holding off for at least a few days before isntalling.
i put 4.3.1 on today, nothing wrong so far. i just want to know why it takes so freaking long to download. 4.3 took over 30 minutes on the phone and over 70 minutes on the ipad....seems ridiculous. 4.3.1 took about 15. I have cable internet with decent speeds so i don't think it's that.
My 4.3 crashed last evening in the middle of a phone conversation. Screen went blank and wouldn't respond. Hooked up charger and the screen came back intermittently. Power was 97%. So I turned on iTunes, downloaded 4.3.1 and hooked up the iPhone and installed it. This morning, so far so good. We'll see
I just updated my iPhone this week to 4.3.1 and it took two tries and almost 3 hours. Ug. Bad interent connection. But I love the new update so far. A lot of minor bug fixes. I like the new text vibration notice and response times on apps. I also love the idea of the mobile hotspot, but haven't tried it yet.