Hello, I'm not disputing how it happened - my story is the garage door fell on the car but it could have been a number of factors. Either way, car door combinations make for a tough Monday morning. The real problem is the garage door broke the antenna into two pieces and the bottom part of the antenna dislodged (broke off) the little black thing under the antenna and just above the door. My questions are: 1. What is that little black thing and is there an easy way to get it replaced? Never mind, on inspection, I discovered it is the washer fluid nozzle. Thanks to the people who described how to fix this little problem. 2. Since I need a new antenna anyway, should I get a shark fin or regular antenna. Is there a huge price difference or reception difference? I am still wondering about the antenna situation though. Thanks. Any thoughts appreciated.
Shark fins cost about $75 (PC Accessories Shop) and I'm seeming mixed reviews: lots of good and bad feedback. I might like to try one, but not for the price. I'll stay with my mini whip. I'm assuming your insurance takes care of repairs, less deductible.
Check EBAY for a prius "Whip" antenna. Lots of folks are installing sharkfin antennas, and selling their whips on EBAY. I sold mine for $8.00 on EBAY last year.
Thanks for the help, I called and got a replacement ordered. Altough I don't plan on giving the old antenna to the child - I like my furniture unbeaten. :drum: