Will a plugged in ipod to the USB port run down the battery if the car is parked overnight or for a few days??? Just wondering because in my other car electrical system will shut off after a short time.
I'd take it out of the vehicle while it's in the shop not due to battery drain but just to make sure you still own it after you get the car back. Referenceing your http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...42-another-happy-prius-owner.html#post1288294 post.
You have a 2010, I have a 2004. I'll answer for the GenII owners out there. There are two cigarette outlets. The one in the center console powers down with the car. The one under the glove box stays on after the car is powered down.
Tony, Both shut down with the car in my 2004. You don't by chance have the "always on" kit in your 2004? JeffD
I wish the G3 had a "always on" outlet. There are times I'd like to briefly plug in a device without starting up the car.
Seriously?! I thought for sure I remember someone saying the glove box one stayed on. Oh well; I was incorrect. But at least now the truth is out (there).
Last I knew, all American cars have power ports that stay hot all the time, and all foreign cars have power ports that shut off when the car is off. I'd sure like to know the rationale between the thinking behind this cultural difference.